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It has been two weeks since Irena found out she was pregnant.

She has been debating when and how to tell Fred.

She has seen Madam Pomfrey twice already, and the baby looked good and healthy. Madam Pomfrey also mentioned that there's a charm that could hide her growing bump. She was going to teach her how to do it on her next visit.

"When are you going to tell him?" Rue asked. Rue found out that Irena was pregnant last week. She was asking too many questions and wouldn't accept that nothing was wrong with Irena.

Rue knew something was up, but it never crossed her mind that Irena was pregnant. She didn't know who the father was, but she knew he was in their year and not in their house.

They were in their room getting ready for the day. Their other roommates were already ready and probably eating breakfast.

"I don't know Rue, maybe this week." She was nervous as to how Fred would react to the news. She knew she wanted Fred to know she didn't want to keep this secret from Fred forever, but she didn't know exactly how to tell him. The time never seemed right. With Umbridge changing everything and Fred and George working on selling their products.

They were walking to the dining hall, and they took a seat. Rue was sitting across from Irena.

She was really hungry. She got a little of everything into her plate. Some students from their table were watching her, and they have been looking at her eating for the past few days. She ignored them they didn't know she was pregnant and that it was normal the amount of food she was eating.

"Take a picture, it might last longer," said Rue, annoyed. Pointing her fork at one of the boys that was looking their way. He looked down at his plate, and his friends around him continued their conversation.

They finished eating and went to their classes. Rue had History of Magic while Irena Had DADA. "Goodbye, Irena, Ill see you later." Irena smiled at Rue and waved her goodbye.

As usual, Irena took her seat. She hasn't had any morning sickness for the past few days, and she was very happy about it. Because of that she was actually able to enjoy her day.

During the class, she noticed that every few minutes, George would look her way. He couldn't know, right? The only people that knew were Madam Pomfrey and Rue. Rue wouldn't tell him she trusted her. She turned her head and looked at him; he only looked at her and smiled. He turned his focus to the front of the class again. He was acting normally, but what if he knew. And what if Fred knew. She looked at Fred, and he looked normal; there was nothing suspicious about him. She was getting nervous. She had to tell him she wanted him to find out from her and not from someone else.

The class ended, and she got her stuff and left the class. She could hear footsteps following her. "Irena," she heard someone call her name. She stops and sees that it is George. He catches up to her, "How are you feeling; you look better." "I- I feel better" was that all he wanted to know. She looked at him suspiciously.

"Where's Fred," she asked. They were always together. "He's attending the business. I wanted to check on you first." She smiled at him, "Thank you, that's nice of you." She crossed her arms and placed them on her stomach. She felt like he was looking at her with a magnifying glass, and he would find out any minute. "Well, I have to go," she started to walk. "Bye, George, it was nice talking to you." He only waved at her; he couldn't say anything else to her because she was already gone.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now