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They arrived at the flat. Fred started to walk away. "Fred, you shouldn't have left. You should have stayed and talked to your mum." Fred stopped and turned around to face Irena. "Rena, there's nothing to talk about. I love my mother, but she needs to respect my decisions," he said, placing his hand to his chest. "I know but-" Not wanting to talk more about the topic, Fred wanted to go to bed. "I'm going to my room." And with that, he started to walk to his room. She called after him, but he ignored her and closed his door. Ugh. She went to the kitchen and got a cup. She started to make herself tea. She was drinking from her tea when George came out of the fireplace. He looked around "where's Freddie?" "In his room." George nodded and got himself a cup and poured himself some tea.

George and Irena were at the table talking for a while. "Have you heard from Rue," asked Irena. She saw how George blushed. He was playing with his hands that were on top of the table next to his cup of tea. "Yeah, I write to her," he said, not looking at Irena. She smiled as George yawned. "I'm going to bed." He got up and put his and Irena's empty cup in the sink. "Goodnight," said Irena. "Night."

Irena went to her room that she shared with Fred. She quietly went in and got clothes to change into. After going to the restroom and changing, she went back to the room. Fred was sleeping. He looked peaceful; she smiled and went to the bed, not wanting to continue staring at him like a creep. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning when Irena woke up, she felt something touching her. She opened her eyes and saw Freds arm on her. She smiled and hoped she could stay there, but she really needed to pee. She slowly moved Fred's arm.

She washed her hands after she was done and went back to the room. Fred had moved more to his side. She went to the bed and tried to sleep a bit more.

After a few minutes after Irena came back from the restroom, Fred moved a bit, getting closer to Irena, and wrapped his arm around her. They both had smiles on their faces.

Two hours later, Fred woke up and started to get ready to go to work. He let Irena sleep a bit more. He didn't bother going to the restroom to change. 

Irena felt movement and woke up. She saw Fred picking something to wear from his closet, and he started to change.

She couldn't help but smile. She looked at him up and down. Fred was a beautiful view. "You like what you see," said Fred. She did. He scared her; she didn't notice he was looking at her. She covered her face with the blanket. "Shut up." He laughed, "come on, Rena, you have seen more than this." She rolled her eyes. "Hurry, or you will be late for work," she told him.  "I'm going." Fred left the room.  

Few minutes later, Irena got up and went to the restroom. She walked to the kitchen and saw that Fred was still at the flat.

Irena gasped, looked at her stomach, and placed her hand on top of it. "What's wrong; are you not feeling alright," asked Fred getting closer to her. "It's not that," she said, shaking her head with a smile forming on her face. "It's the baby it kicked." Fred started to smile brightly and touched Irena's bump waiting for the baby to kick. They both were looking at Irenas belly, waiting for their baby to kick again. And then they felt it. Fred let out a chuckle and looked at Irena. The baby kicked again.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now