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Christmas was approaching rather quickly. Fred had told Irena that they were going to spend Christmas at the Burrow with his family. They were going to be there on Christmas Eve, spend the night and celebrate Christmas morning there.

Irena didn't say anything; she didn't have plans to spend the holidays with her parents. And she thought that spending Christmas with the Weasley would be a nice change.

Fred and George decide to close the shop on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. So the day before Christmas Eve, the store was full of customers buying last-minute things. 

Irena helped out for a little while early in the morning but later left because Alek started to cry seeing so many strangers. Fred stayed the whole day working. 

At the flat Irena had changed Alek into new clean clothes and after feeding him he went to sleep. While he was sleeping Irena used this time to wrap a few gifts. 

Two hours later, Alek woke up and was happy again. She played with him for some time. He was moving his arms and legs a bit more; he was a very active baby.

Fred and George arrived late that day. They closed until the last customer paid.

They were very tired walking around all day. George lay on the sofa while Fred was on the ground near where Alek and Irena were on the floor. Yawning tiredly, Fred said, "Hello, Alek, how was your day." Alek looked at his father and moved his tiny hand, placing it on top of Freds hand. It was a sweet moment, but Alek had his hand inside his mouth a few moments prior, and it was covered in his saliva. Fred looked at his wet hand and back at Alek, who was smiling at him.

Fred whipped his hand with his shirt. "Love you too," he said, smiling, getting Alek and placing him on top of his chest.

"We should eat and go to sleep; mum is expecting us early tomorrow," said Fred to Irena. Irena started to get up. "George did you hear," Fred said, but George didn't respond. Fred and Irena soon after heard snoring coming from the sofa. George was already sleeping. 

They didn't wake him up; they let him sleep even though he looked really uncomfortable sleeping on the sofa. Fred and Irena were in the kitchen eating; they had left some of the food on a plate to the side for George. They knew when he wakes up; he was going to be starving.

Once they were done eating they said goodnight to Alek and went to their room. They both changed and went to sleep.

The next day the three of them four including Alek, woke up around 9 am.  They were eating breakfast. George woke up sore from his neck from sleeping on the sofa.

Once they were done eating, they changed to go to the Burrow. Fred carried Alek and Irena placed the dirty dishes in the sink. George was still complaining about his neck all the way to his room.

They were done changing. Alek was wearing a red onesie. Irena was packing the baby bag since they were going to stay the night, and she also needed to bring her clothes. The baby bag was full of diapers and a few changes of clothes just in case Alek gets dirty.

While getting everything ready in the bag, Irena only had her clothes and Aleks; she asked Fred, "you have clothes with your parents, right." "I might have left a few clothes over there," said Fred, sitting on the bed with Alek sitting on his lap. It was good enough for her. She was checking the bag one more time, making sure she had everything she was ready to go.

 February of 1996Where stories live. Discover now