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Yoongi's pov~

               When I got back to my two-room studio, I sat down at my desk and pulled out two heavy binders. Binders holding segments of my life I would like to cherish. One of them was a piece of old paper with old handwriting on it. The paper was tattered holding a story that hasn't been told. A gift that my father gave me, and I learned the song and it's beautiful. Every note was written meticulously, each note was melodious. My head mentally played what the notes would have sounded like, but I longed to hear it with my own ears. It was a gift yet a burden that my father refused to carry. Instead, he put this piece of private music onto my shoulders hoping I could carry it somewhere far away.

               Eula showed up to class today. This time delicately carrying a metal music box, she sat down and placed the box in front of me. She nodded and slipped a tiny note onto my desk. It read,

               "What's the name of the song piece you played a few days ago?"

               "A piece without a name." I folded the slip of paper and passed it back to her. She furrowed her brow as she read that sentence over and over. Her hazel eyes flitted side to side. This was my father's song, why would she be so interested in it? Eula rested her head onto her arm waiting for the professor to enter the classroom. I gently tapped my pencil against my desk to an imaginary melody idly playing inside my head. When the professor walked in Eula immediately got her notes out and another piece of paper she uses to take notes for me. She showed immense integrity in her academic learning career, I admire that drive. For me... Music was my driving force, my integrity, and my inspiration. Such an ironic statement, when barely any sound passes my very ears.

               Lunchtime, I walked back to the worn down music room. I sit down repeating my usual routine of playing music. I started playing my father's song, the bittersweet melody sinking into my head. There was a beam of light streaming through the stained windows. The light hit every tiny piece of dust that was infused in the air, creating a glittery dome of light. Seemingly slowing down time, I glanced and at that moment I saw an accident. A huge commotion in the parking lot, I remember all I saw was hell.

               My legs dragged against the concrete as I saw a pool of blood engulfing the body of a young girl. Laying next to her was a silver music box, the music haunting me till this day. 

Author's Note <3:

               HEYOOO so basically ehe I got some more inspo and I might go retype a few chapters if necessary to fit the plot point at the very end. It would  be nice if you guys wanted to reread the previous chapter, obviously it's okay if you chose not to! Basically a 30-50% chance I would retype em so don't worry! Anyways author-chan is back <3

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