How it all began

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Dear Diary ,my name is Izuku Midoriya, my life's been absolute torture since the discovery of my quirk. It feels like the world enjoys sending all the evil in the world at me. No hope seems to spark in me anymore. I guess I should explain....
"Mommy, Daddy! Wake up it's my birthday today!" Said a green haired 4 year old Izuku
Inko chuckled at her sons remark. "Yes it is sweetie" her smile was so bright that it was obvious were Izuku had gotten it from -of course in the present it was no longer prominent-
Hisashi woke up and mumbled incoherently before getting up and ruffling Izuku's untameable hair. Izuku gave a wide smile before running to his room to get dressed.
As they rode to the doctors, Izuku bounced up and down on his seat. "I can't wait to show Kacchan my quirk! I hope it's as amazing as his!" Izuku then continued to play with his All Might figure. When they arrived, they quickly checked in and went into the doctors office.
Doctor- "So we have good news and bad news."
Inkos face grew with slight worry "um good news first please" she asked , her voice becoming more quiet as she went along.
Doctor- " your son has a quirk"
Inko smiled at this , but to the trained eye, it was obvious that it was not one of joy but of malicious intent.
But the smile faltered and grew into a slight frown as she asked "and the bad news?"
The doctor sighed and stated "his quirk is..... quirk corruption. He can corrupt a quirk and can also communicate with the quirk, influencing how it affects the user."
Hisashi's expression grew cold. "So we have raised a villain?!" He growled.
Izuku's excitement quickly died down at the sight of his father. Inkos face grew into one of disgust before grabbing Izuku by the collar and dragging him out. The doctor shot and apologetic and sympathised look at Izuku as he flinched at how hard his mother was pulling him by the collar.
When they had gotten home he had been thrown to the ground and snapped at. He had been sent to his room without any food, his stomach grumbled at the need for food but was quickly dismissed as Izuku cried. Hisashi had stormed into the room and slapped izuku so hard it had left an imprint "KEEP IT QUIET BRAT!" Izuku yelped from the pain as hisashi stormed out of the room. Izuku continued to cry silently, wondering were it all went wrong.
T he next day he told his best friend, kacchan, about his quirk. He hoped that his best friend would still care but ofcourse in the corrupt society of heroes and villains, Bakugou was disgusted. He shot the biggest explosions his 4 year old self could muster before running away screaming that he was a villain and absolute scum. Things just got worse from there. Everyone avoided izuku and if they didn't they would just harm him to the point were it ached to move, resulting in him getting home late, which then resulted in a punishment. The punishment usually included : being locked in a cupboard, having bottles smashed on his head and being burnt by his father. And here we are 9 years later.
•••¥¥¥¥¥••••••flashback end•••••••••
That's right, it's been 9 years of hell. I turned 13 recently.....not that anyone would care of course. I would cry but I have no more tears, I would scream but I have no more screams, I would hope but my hope is dead. I will never escape. Thanks for listening , your the only thing that will listen. Even if you are just paper. Until next time.
Izuku POV
I closed my diary and let out a sigh. I pulled out one of the floor boards from under my bed and placed the diary in there before securing the floorboard back into place. My stomach grumbled (how long since I have eaten?) I wondered before deciding to just go to the store with what little money I had been able to steal from my 'parents' and buy some instant noodles. I grabbed my old hoodie, which barely fit and jumped out the window from our apartment. Luckily the drop wasn't too high so I didn't sustain any damage. It looked up at the sky as I walked to the store, admiring the slow and steady movement of the clouds, (How beautiful). I arrived at the store and instantly went to the noodle isle. I quickly grabbed the noodles I wanted and walked to the aisle. It was ¥152. I sighed and payed leaving me with about ¥23. U hurriedly walked back home whilst using a boiling tea kettle that I kept hidden in the floor board to heat up the noodles without disrupting the two demons I had to sadly call 'parents'. I stuffed the noodles into my mouth before climbing into my window and flipping onto my bed .
(Can't wait for another day at the 2nd ring of

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