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Izuku POV-
Eraserhead goes downstairs to talk to Present Mic about something leaving me in my new room. I sit down on the surprisingly comfortable bed. The days events crash down on me, my lack of sleep on a comfortable mattress catching up on me. (Maybe they won't mind if I sleep for a bit). I lay on top of the bed and close my eyes, my ears listening for even the slightest sign of someone nearing my door. (They aren't going to hurt you.....their heroes remember, you aren't with them anymore!). I eventually fall asleep.

"It's your fault their dead"
"We loved you"
"Hope for a better quirk in your next life"
"Your fault yourfaultyourfault!"
"You could've saved them"
"Kill yourself"
The voices chanted in my head, I feel myself curl up into a ball on the bed, my eyes screwed shut.
I open my eyes to the soft feeling of someone wrapping their arms around me.
(Who is this?)
I turn my head to see present mic ruffling my hair.
Present mic- "you okay little listener?"
"W-what were you doing just now?"
Present Mic- "I was hugging you"
Present Mic- "d-do you not know what a hug is?!"
I shook my head "why are you so shocked?"
Present Mic shook his head before saying "what do you want for dinner?"
I shrugged since I had never got the chance to choose what I ate "umm katsudon please....."
Present Mic smiled and nodded before standing up and walking to the door, "I'll call you when it's dinner okay?" I nod and lay back down on the bed letting myself enter a dreamless sleep.

Eraserhead POV-
After zashi told me what happened I couldn't stop thinking . (How didn't I see it before?! He is quirkless, obviously doesn't give a shit his parents are dead and told us that his parents tried to attack him.... He was abused!). As I realised this I got my phone and called the detective of the police force
Ring ring......ring ring.....
Detective Tsukauchi-"hello?"
"I need to meet up soon, when are you free?"
DT- "2 days from now , why?"
"I think I found an abused child but I'm not sure, id like you to use your quirk on him"
DT- "if your calling me it must be serious, okay meet me at the police station in 2 days at 14:37"
"Thank you"
*hangs up*

I sigh (frigging problem children). I go the the kitchen and grab my coffee hub filled with black coffee before sitting down on the couch. I turn on the TV as entertainment but not 5 seconds later a big ass yellow human bunny appears on the news -A/N all might incase u couldn't guess-. I groan (the news is such a nuisance, it hinders pros abilities to rescue civilians, always looking for a scandal)
——on the TV——
Reporter- "what do you have to say to the audience?"
All Might- "If you try hard enough, You too can become a hero!"
(What lies, all might I don't know WHY Nezu is planning to hire you, your giving people false hope.... Those deemed with villainous or incompetent quirks are deemed useless and those quirkless are mostly dead due to suicide..)
Little did I know that someone else was thinking almost the exact same thing right behind me.

Izuku POV-
I sat on the staircase watching the news that eraserhead had put on.
————on the Tv——
Reporter- "what do you have to say to the audience?"
All Might- "If you try hard enough, You too can become a hero!"
(Explain....explain how that, no matter how hard I try my family couldn't come to care about me, no matter how high my grades , they were never deemed enough, NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRIED BAKUGOU NEVER ENDED UP LIKING ME BACK! That love wilted and those lies that you speak....are just false hope for us deemed useless and trash....those deemed dekus......).

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