Chapter 6: In Hiding

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Home stretch! The door to the outside world was in sight. You'd slipped out of the lounge while the girls were arguing and had made it back to the original main hall. You quite literally slammed into the door, hand flying to the handle and pushing down. No response.

Nice, nice. So they remembered to lock it this time. Now you were well and truly fucked. It wouldn't be long before they figured out you were missing. You'd have to do the next best thing: hide.

You started to retrace your steps, walking back through the castle to the one place you might find someone to help you. It only took around two minutes, two minutes which you were sure it took the sisters to realise you were missing.

You arrived back in the kitchen, finding June at work washing dishes. She noticed you walk in and stopped her work for the moment.

"(Y/N). What're you doing here?" She shook the warm water from her hands before snagging a tea towel to properly dry them. You glanced outside the kitchen door, checking for any unnaturally strong and scary vampire girls before closing it behind you.

"I know you already stuck your neck out for me by trying to stop Bela, but I need to ask a favour." You said in a polite tone. June was the only helpful person you'd met so far. The only nice person.

"Where are Lady Dimitrescu's daughters?" She questioned, quite sure he shouldn't be wandering around without them.

"Probably hot on my ass, so I need to make this quick." You said nervously, not wanting to think about the fact they could be on their way right now. "I kinda escaped them while they were bickering. The doors are locked and I need a place to hide out for a while. I'm quite sure that two out of the three want to flay me."

June looked almost amazed by the fact you'd gotten away from all three, her mouth agape ever so slightly. There were very few places to hide in the castle where you wouldn't be found.

"The ladies frequent the maiden quarters if they need things, so I wouldn't recommend there." June said as she started to think. "You could probably hide in the merchant's room for a while. The duke stays there when he brings trade. The daughters would have to search for some time before looking there."

"That works for now. Do you have the directions?" You asked with a hidden smile, happy to have help from the maiden.

"South-west from here. Follow the corridor in the hall till you reach the opera hall. It's the door on the right of the stairs." She explained, using her hands as a visual representation. Once she was finished you nodded in thanks, moving back towards the door.

"Thank you, June. I'll remember this." You said in gratitude, beginning to push the door open.

"Wait." She stopped you, walking further down the counter to grab a wine bottle. She walked around the island to you, holding out the bottle and making you raise an eyebrow. "It's blood. You need to patch up that bite mark on your shoulder. Use this to throw off their smell."

You wanted to hug her for the smart idea, but knew you really didn't have the time. "They'd kill you if they found out about this."

"Better me than you. Us maids are destined to die in this place eventually. You still have a chance. Now go." She said with a small smile, pushing you out the door. You'd make sure no one found out about her aid. June wouldn't die today. Not on your watch. You'd try the merchant's room, but first you wanted to make a pit stop.

"He's this way. I can smell the blood." Cassandra ran down the hall with her sisters beside her. The scent of blood was close by. She'd been robbed of the taste once already, that wasn't happening a second time.

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