Chapter 2

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God Parents

A/N – Hello this is my first ever story so hopefully you like a lot so please favorite, comment, like all of that kind of thing please, please PLEASE….
**On my knees**…..

It’s really annoying when people find out that my God parents are The Doctor and River Song there all like ‘OMG what’s it like living with River Song?’ and ‘Did you know you living with the woman that killed your other god parent, that’s so wrong!’. AHHHHH it is infuriating!!!! Well at least that don’t know what I am, I mean if people found that out it be World War 3 (For Earth anyway.)

A/N – OK I know this is a really short one but I kind of typed in class so it had to be short, really sorry but hopefully everyone likes it and I am really happy with the amount of people that have seen it so far.. YAY ME AND THE OTHER PEOPLE! WOOOOOOOOH!!!! <3  :P

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