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I woke up to the sight of an empty bed. No one beside me but the nightmares that plague my mind. I grabbed the bed sheets and wondered to myself... where is Corbin?

I got off the bed in a frantic mess determined to find him.
I searched everywhere from the bathroom to the closets, but I had yet to search the guest bathroom. I crawled down the stairs in a fit to find him. I knocked on the door two times but to no avail.

I screamed his name, "CORBIN?"

He didn't answer my pleas to open the door. I decided to kick down the door in a fit of rage.

I stepped back then tumbled toward the door making it fly off its hinges. The sight I saw was one that would haunt me for life.

The lifeless body of my first and last love laid still and cold, unmoving. The water settled in the bath, drowning him, taking the life from his grasp. I ran up to him with tears in my eyes then pulled him out of the tub.

. . .

"Bel?" Adrienne my assistant and best friend called out trying to get my attention.

"Hmmm," I said shaking that reoccurring event from thoughts.

"There is a new criminal here for you to prosecute." she said handing me a portfolio with a tall, bald white man with lifeless grey eyes staring back at me from his picture.

"Yeah you may leave now," I told her motioning for her to exit my office.

"Isabel? Are you okay?" she asked me worriedly but I just wanted to be alone.

"I'm fine." I said leaving no room for argument.

I guess I have kinda been like this ever since I lost Corbin and she knew that so she should just leave me in peace.

She nodded swiftly and left me to my thoughts.

Ever since a month ago, I have been having that day dream that would most definitely haunt me for the rest of my life. Why did Corbin have to leave me? I kept asking myself that one question everyday for the past month.

I thought he was getting better, he constantly reassured me that he was okay. Why did he lie to me?

I sighed realizing that if I stayed in here any longer that I would probably go mad.

I checked my watch and saw that it is 1 PM. I might as well just go for lunch.

I picked up my purse and phone then got up from my chair that was situated behind my long mahogany desk. I looked side to side in my office and saw that it needed some light so I walked up to the window curtains and opened them.

I took up my Airpod case from the couch behind my desk and ventured to the door of my white and plain office.

I stepped through the door and saw everyone at their respective stations and smiled contently. At least my work life hasn't changed.

"Adrienne cancel all my meetings for this afternoon, I am going for lunch."

"Okay love, enjoy your meal. Also, Detective Lyn called they just found the murderer for that little girl Nia."

"Oh really? I can't wait to have that bastard convicted. Join me for lunch?" I smiled at her.

"But I have so much work to do," she frowned.

"Would it kill you to take a break?" I laughed at her and pulled her up from her desk that is right in front of my office door.

And yes I know that I am bipolar.

"Fine where are we going?" she asked grabbing her purse.

We walked hand in hand to the elevators.

My parents owned this law firm. They moved from Italy and had their family here in New York "Well let's go to a diner." I shrugged it doesn't really matter. "Or a hole in the wall restaurant. I am not in any mood to be tackled by the paparazzi."

"Great! let's go to The Coffee Club." she suggested then looped her hand through mine.

"Where's that?" I asked her when we stepped out of the elevator.

I looked back at the building and saw the sign with the name of the law firm written in cursive. Verratti's Legal Consultancy.

It's good to be back at work after this emotional month.

I opened my purse and took out my car keys. I pressed the open button on the key and pulled the driver's side of my Lamborghini Aventador.

It's the newest car that my parent's bought me for their lack of support. They think money can buy everything but it can't, all it does is make me happy... sometimes.

Soon enough I started the car and searched for the coffee club directions in my GPS.

"Here we are," I told Adrienne.

I took a quick look at my reflection in the mirror as my mom always told me that presentation is everything. I pulled down the jacket of my navy blue pant suit.

I exited my car and made sure that it was parked properly. As we were about to go inside my phone rang.

"Go inside and order me an iced latte. I'm just gonna take this call."

She nodded and went inside the coffee shop.

I answered my phone and saw that it was my dad. "Isabel, why did you cancel all your meetings? There is a very important meeting that I need you to attend with the CEO of Alexander and Co."

I groaned, "Okay dad but can it be pushed back an hour?"

"Fine but only because I know what you are going through and this is your first day back."

"Bye dad." I told him then he hung up the call.

Being my clumsy self when I am annoyed, I spun around and bumped into a very good looking man in a crisp Armani suit. He had a cup of black coffee in his had that he spilled on me. Thank God it was mildly hot.

"Hey can you watch where you're going!" I snapped rudely at him, when I knew it was my fault.

He muttered a low, barely audible, "Sorry." then walked inside the coffee club to, I presume buy another cup of coffee.

My suit was ruined and I have a meeting in forty five minutes.

Why do the bad things always happen to me?

I walked inside the shop and told Adrienne that I had to go home and change. "Adrienne I have to go home and change my suit, some idiot spilled coffee all over me and I have a meeting soon. Could you bring a latte and a croissant to the office please?" I handed her the cash and she nodded.

I briskly walked through the door and to my car where I ventured home.

. . .

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