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I stumbled into my two story apartment in a rush, trying my best to reach my room; I only had thirty minutes until the meeting with Alexander and Co's CEO. I hated those meetings; being stuck inside a room with a perverted and ancient CEO is not very fun.

I sighed and rushed to acquire a new suit from my closet. I quickly changed into a full white crisp pants suit and matching white, red bottoms. I grabbed my purse and rushed through the door. I glanced at my watch and saw that I had less than ten minutes to make it back to the firm.

On a normal day, it took me fifteen minutes; I wouldn't make it in time. I stepped on it and reached to the firm like eight minutes later breaking at least fifteen traffic laws.

I threw my keys to the valet and ran inside my building, causing everyone to look at me. I gave them a scowl indicating they should go back to work, perks of being the boss. I ran into the elevator, and then I silently thanked God for the emptiness in here.

I glanced at my watch and saw that I was five minutes late. I cursed that man back at the coffee club because this is his fault.

I briskly walked up to the conference room and glanced side to side through the glass. I saw that a dark haired man sat patiently awaiting my arrival. I sighed then walked in.

"Good day," I cleared my throat, "Sorry to keep you..." my jaw dropped. The handsome man was the same from before. He was the man who spilt the coffee all over my suit.

A scowl immediately settled on my face while I tossed my dirty blonde hair over my shoulder. His light green eyes burned into my grey ones. We just stood like that until he finally decided to speak up.

"Right, Ms. Verratti, let's get this meeting on with." He cleared his throat while I tried to ignore his British accent. I sat down across from him maintaining direct eye contact.

I nodded, and then motioned for him to continue. "Why are you here Mr. Alexander?"

"Three months ago you sent one of my investors Victor Bill to prison for fraud. Am I right?" he asked his eyes unreadable.

"Yes." I countered.

"Well, do you have the files? I would like to make copies because apparently some of his corruption seeped into one of my companies." He said his eyes boring into mine, now with an unknown emotion flashing across his face, I think it is irritation or maybe anger.

"I do, you may receive copies tomorrow afternoon. Please get into contact with my assistant Adrienne; she will attend to this matter. Thanks for coming." I told him reaching my hand out for him to shake.

He gave me a look then shook my hand, lingering a bit longer than he should have. A few strands of his raven colored hair fell over his eyes. He pulled back his hand and pushed away his silky hair, "Thanks." He mumbled then walked out the door, looking around the place for the name tag Adrienne.

I sighed then sat back in my chair, taking a deep breath. He was the same man from before; surely he can't be mad at me for being late since it's his fault.

I exited the conference room thirty minutes after composing myself and my thoughts. "Adrienne where is my croissant?" I asked her when walking up to my office.

"On your desk, also, your little sister called." She replied then continued her work.

Sofia called? It must be Christmas.

I went straight into my office and got comfortable behind my lavish desk. I checked the phone on my desk and saw two messages left for me.

The first was from Sofia, saying that she was in the area with her fiancé Maxwell and wanted to apologize for missing the funeral. She also said she would meet me at Gretel's at eight.

I sighed at her demands; I thought I was the older one. I quickly scribbled down the restaurant and the time.

The second was from Adrian Alexander, he wanted to meet for coffee tomorrow morning at ten to discuss the case.

That wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't the one who spilled coffee all over me. I called his office and got the voicemail. I decided to leave one.

"Sorry Mr. Alexander but I won't be free for coffee tomorrow but perhaps I may send my assistant."

I rubbed my temples and took up some of the files I had to review for this Thursday and Friday in court. I had to send away that bald headed man and the killer for Nia, the poor little girl. How can one cut a five year old's throat.

I got comfortable in my chair and studied the documents. I saw that the tall, bald headed man's is named Jim Stud. He is being charged for the raping and assaulting of his step daughter, he should be sent away for at least fifteen years, twenty if I'm lucky. He is being represented by Bobby Richmond. I knew he was a sleaze ball but to defend a rapist, that is a new low. His wife and step daughter made a statement against him. His trial will begin on Thursday.

The killer of Nia is actually a young boy, no older than seventeen years old. How can you kill your own cousin? His name is Jack Dunbar. He will be going away for at least twenty five to life and is being represented by Dave Richmond, Bobby's brother, they are the owners of the sketchy law firm; Richmond and Associates. They found his finger prints on the knife. His trial will begin on Friday.

I can't wait to send away these bastards. I hate that people defend these criminals. That is exactly why I became a prosecutor, so I get to send away these disgusting animals.

"Bel?" a voice called out from my door.


"It's six, I'm leaving now." Adrienne said almost yawning.

"Really wow, you go ahead. I'll leave in a minute." I told her trying to tidy the papers in front of me.

She nodded then closed the door.

I realized I got a message from Mr. Alexander. He said he insists it be me tomorrow at the Coffee Club. I pursed my lips and agreed to ten tomorrow at the Coffee Club.

I glanced at the mirror on the left side of my desk and saw I looked tired but I applied some concealer to cover the dark circles. I got up from around the desk and then picked up my bag. My heels' clicking sound echoed throughout the office space indicating that I was the last one here.

Gretel's is across the city so I sighed and braced myself for the one and a half hour drive.

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