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As I pulled into the parking lot of the place I called home, I received several calls from my parents. They were annoyed that I ran out of the dinner with Adrian. I couldn't fathom how they expected me to marry someone who I did not know and the fact that Corbin died a month ago I couldn't even imagine being with another person.

Texts upon texts and calls upon calls from my parents, Max, Sophia and my grandparents all the way in Italy. The tears wouldn't stop flowing from the moment I left the restaurant until I curled up underneath my sheets in my bed, I sniffled and sobbed the night away.

As I cried several thoughts plagued my mind:

1. How will I go through with this? My parents are serious people and they will force me to marry him but why am I to marry him?

2. What's the deal between him and my parents?

3. How will I cope in a loveless marriage?

I turned my phone off after 500 messages and missed calls from my family members. A strange number called me in the middle of the night, and I figured it was Adrian. I didn't want to talk to him because this had nothing to do with him.

As I was dozing off Adrienne pulled up at my house, stopping me from falling asleep. I wondered if she thought I'd be going to work today because I won't be. My parents would most definitely show up to the godforsaken place and I don't want to see them. Why can't they respect me. I don't want to see Adrian or them for the next few days because I know that I inevitably will lose the argument and end up marrying Adrian.

I walked up to my mahogany door and opened it to reveal my best friend, as she stood there, staring into my bloodshot eyes she pulled me into a hug, allowing me to sob into her shoulders. She was the only one there for me when I lost my love, she held me, watched me cry and picked up the pieces. While my parents were nowhere to be found and yet still they are forcing me to do this. How heartless can they be?

My best friend didn't even talk she just let me be. I'm sure she got a call from Nikolai and Tallia Veratti, my parents. Hence, she's here. They probably sent her here to fetch me for them however, I'm not leaving at this house.

"Bellie? Your parents are calling me nonstop asking why the both of us aren't at work." She tells me massaging my scalp.

"Don't reply, the reason they aren't here as yet is because they're in Los Angeles." I tell her with an eye roll.

"But why would they force you to marry Adrian Alexander... it doesn't add up. How could they possibly benefit from this transaction." She queries.

"This makes me wonder if meeting him that way was a coincidence or even him wanting to know about his so-called business partners case. Was all of this planned?" I scoff.

"Bellie, let's watch a movie, take your mind off of the situation." She tells me, however, I'm in no mood for anything.

"Girl, I want coffee..." I tell her stifling a yawn, I'm planning on working from home today, the cases I have on Thursday and Friday won't do themselves. I need to find precedents and case law to back up my claims as well as ensure that the evidence isn't tampered with.

"Okay babes, I'm gonna make a coffee run and get some scones as well, you need to eat something, seen as you ran away from the dinner." She chuckles quietly.

I playfully glare at her and say, "It was a spontaneous thing, Adri."

As she leaves my apartment, I head into my home office to search for all the legal documents I need for Thursday's case against Jim Stud and his attorney, Bobby.

. . .

My office phone rang and it was a call from the security downstairs. "Miss Veratti, a gentleman named Adrian Alexander is at the gate requesting to see you."

"Please tell him I'm not here." I tell the security personnel. I hear some scuffling over the phone.

"Darling, let me in. We need to talk." He says in a firm voice.

I'm currently deciding whether or not I should answer him. Is it worth it? Are my parents that coward to send him? Again?

"Fine, tell Steve to let you in." I say then hang up.

I take deep breaths in and out, then proceed to walk to my front door in my SpongeBob onesie; it was a matching set that Corbin got me and him for Christmas.

I looked through the peep hole and saw a gorgeous man in a navy blue Armani suit, walking up my driveway. I slid down the door, welcoming the coldness of my tiled floor, as I anticipated the ringing of my doorbell.

When the ringing sounded throughout the house, I closed my eyes and took off my glasses trying my best to be accepting of whatever he was going to say.

As I opened my door, his cologne scent envelopes the doorway. "Isabel, can we talk please? Like adults?" He says then his eyes flickered up and down my body, taking in my appearance. A small, unconscious smile made its way on his lips and the shadow of his dimples, yes dimples, made an appearance.

"Okay," I tell him opening my front door wide enough for him to come in.

He wipes his shoe at the mat and walks until he's inside my living room, where he makes himself comfortable on my couch. His navy blue clad self, a stark contrast from my the white of my sofa.

"Come sit," he tells me beckoning me over to where he's situated.

I reluctantly make my way over to him, making sure to take deep breaths. "What did you want to talk about?" I ask him timidly.

"Well, our conversation last night was cut short and I didn't get to finish telling you everything. Would you like to hear or have you made up your mind that I'm a troll or a beast, whom you don't want to marry?"

I considered telling him to get out of my house and that I wanted nothing to do with him but as an intelligent individual, I can't believe what I say next.

"Okay, let's talk."

. . .

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