Chapter 8: Zymiria & Amir

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Gorgeous POV
9 months later @9pm

"Jam !" I yelled out. " JAM !" I yelled again but still not answer. "JAMICIAS!" I shout out with a cry.

"Yes ma?" Jam said to me

"My water brok-" I barely could said with him running into the room grabbing everything we needed for the hospital and our stay there. "Well damn" I said laughing.

"How can you be laughing and your water broke" jam said while going to put everything in the car, while I put on a change a dress and my furry slide Jam bought me for this specific time.

"Because you didn't let me finished and you ran in here like a damn fool." I said laughing while headed to the car.

30 mins later

We get to the hospital and check in, while getting into our room I call my bestie To tell her what's going on. While I'm calling I here "bitch why you calling me and I'm behind you." Yasmine said as I turned around.

"Bitch wtf Ian know yo ass was here, your water broke best." I said to her.

"Yes bitch and I'm ready for this to end so I can meet my baby Amir." Yas said to me with tears in her eyes.

"Awee babes don't cry we tuff bitches out here" I said trying to cheer her up. While we both head to our rooms which was down the hall from each other, but Yas demanded we have them in the same room knowing we can't so they moved her right next door, it didn't satisfy her but it was good enough.

3 hours later

"We did it baby girl we had our first daughter Zymiria." I said.


"Can't believe we had our first baby boy Amir, now I think I want a girl." I said.

"Boy boo we not having one til a coo little min." Yasmine said.

"Ima get my little princess, watch you gone see." I said. "Ion care if we broken up, ima never have kids by another bitch but you shorty." I said while I notice she was blushing.

3 Years Later

Gorgeous POV

"My best finally text me after 3 years so it was weird, since we haven't spoking that day, after everything that went down." I said thinking but realize I said out loud. While thinking all the hurt everyone caused me back then.

"So, what happen 3 years ago." A Fine ass stranger said. "I mean you ain cutta talk about it ma, but sometimes it's better to talk to a stranger, so try me." He said in a deep sexy voice, that caused me to have chills down my spine.

"Okay fine." I said while having a deep thought on what happen. Then taking a deep breathe.....

"3 years ago I had my baby girl Zymiria, with the guy I though was the love of my life with my bestfriend having her son right next door with, my ex boyfriend homeboy. A couple hours before we had our baby girl he proposed to me, telling me he don't want to bring a baby in this world unless we was engaged on our way to be married. Of course I said yes because I was inlove with him and he was the father of my daughter. I had the baby then on her 1st birthday I found out he has been cheating. The way I found out was because my bestfriend was missing on that day and she new we was suppose to go get our nails done. So her baby daddy texted me asking have I seen my daughter father, but I said no so I asked him have he seen my bestfriend he said nah she left they house that morning and I said jam has to which is my daughter father name. Something in my heart and gut was saying something ain't right so we linked up with together with our kids with us to try to figure out where they was all day. Knowing it's Zymiria & Amir birthday today and we all have things to do with each other." I said while letting a tear fall. Then he whipped my tear with out saying a thing waiting on me to finish my story. "So we looked at their locations and they was at the same place. We pull up to where the location was and it was a hotel. We went inside along with the kids and asked for both names to see if we can get a room number. The front desk give us one and he go up, as we reach the floor I tell Ace let me knock on the door first because I got a plan I how to get them to open the door. We go up to the door and him and the kids stand on the side while I knock and I say room service, but realized it was open a little bit so I them to follow us in and I hear moaning but loud ass music and we told the kids to stay there. So we go inside the little room to see both of our other half's fucking. With them noticing I leave out and grab Zymiria and leave out and so does Ace. I cried not saying a word the whole ride to the kids birthday event. After the birthday I go to this apartment and dropped a bag on a penthouse apartment got my keys and everything. I go to me and Jam house pack me and Zymiria thing every last of our shit and left leaving my old keys and ring in the house. I texted him and told him wedding is off
and the only time he needs to message me is if it's
about our daughter nothing more nothing less. Ever since then I haven't talked to my best, I barely talk to my baby daddy unless it concerns our child, Also Ace reached out all the time about me and Zymiria seeing if we was good, or need anything. He don't mess with Yas no more and they don't talk unless it's about my nephew Amir. The kids see each other all the time when me and Ace link up at a kid park or event spot some where." I said crying really hard while he hugged me and whipped my face again.

"Damn that's deep ma, can I have your name". He said eyeing every inch of my sexy mom body.

"Gorgeous" I said smiling

"I'm Larenzo Can I have your number" he said

"Catch me on the flip side" I said blushing then walkinga z away with him not even chasing me probably thinking that he know he gone see me again. Or maybe that's just me overthinking.

Saturday night @10 pm

It's my turn and it's time, I hear the song Belong to the city by PARTYNEXTDOOR. It seems like it's in slow mo but it's not. So as I walk on the stage dancing on the pole doing my slow dance routine noticing Larenzo walk in as and immediately his eyes focus on me but I keep dancing making every dance move about him, letting the music flow through my body. He comes and sit right in front of the stage then I come off the stage and starts giving him a lap dance making him guess. After my shift I hurry and leave in my car but before I do I get stopped by Larenzo. "So you just gone leave with out saying anything huh?" He Said.

"Race me to IHOP for it." I said laughing and speeding off.

Larenzo POV

Shorty speed off with me following behind her. I recorded her as a boomerang and caption it as I want her to be my lil yeah yeah. While we still racing I get a call from my lil potnas group chat.

                                   Mud Potnas 🔫💰
Julio: Aye guns where tf you at bihh?

            Me: With my lil future yeah 🖕🏾 hoe ahh nigga.

Choopa: lil nigga gotta crush. 🤣

Julio: Hy he do.😂

47: Like he in high school.
                  Me: Fuck y'all don't forget y'all work fa me.

Choopa: Ight boss. 🤣 wtm after yo lil stitch?

                      Me: slide to the crib and blow the dough.
47: Fashoo. 🤘🏾

Gorgeous POV

So we make it to IHOP, he won the race or whatever but we been Chillen here for a min. He coo or whatever, I learned a lot about him and he learned about me. I really don't know why I feel like he can be a really good friend. We finished eating and now he's walking me to my car but at the same time he told me he gone follow me home to make sure I get there safe because that's something he does. So I left him.

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