Chapter Six: Headaches and Eggs

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Physically, emotionally, mentally—shitty. It was all shitty.

He regretted last night.

"I'm never drinking again." He groaned, sitting up in bed. He clutched his head, it felt like someone was hitting it with a shovel, the pangs of pain hit so badly. "So, this is what it feels like to be hungover."

Josuke forced himself to stand, legs wobbly like a newborn colt's. He got dressed, but didn't do his hair yet. His head hurt too much to even think about touching it.

He stumbled downstairs, clinging to the railing, and into the kitchen. Tomoko was already in there, making pancakes on the stovetop.

"Morning, honey!" she chirped. "Where's Okuyasu?"

Josuke had forgotten that he was supposed to spend the night. It hurt more than his head, remembering what he'd done to his best friend.

Josuke groaned and slumped into his usual chair at the table, resting his head on his arms. "Not coming down."

"What is it?" Josuke could hear her walk over, and feel her cold hand on Josuke's forehead. "You sick?"

Josuke shook his head.

"Oh. I know what this is." Josuke couldn't even see her, but he knew she had her hands on her hips. "You're hungover."

Josuke leaned his head sideways to look at her. His theory had been correct, her hands were planted on her hips. "I'm sorry, mom, me and Okuyasu went to a party last night and I messed things up with him cause I got drunk and it was just—it was stressful, okay? I'm never drinking again, this sucks." He put his head back on his arms. "Just please don't go too hard on me, my head hurts so much."

"Hey, sweetie, it's okay." Tomoko's voice softened, and Josuke could hear the scrape of chair legs on the floor as she dragged a chair to sit beside him. She began to gently rub Josuke's back. "We all make mistakes, although this sounds like a pretty big one. But it's not unfixable, I promise you."

Josuke could feel his eyes beginning to water. "Mom, I have a giant crush on Okuyasu, and I just totally messed it up. He was having some sort of breakdown at the party because of all the people and I—I was too drunk to comfort him the right way and it's just— it's so messed up, mom." He sniffed.

"Oh, Josuke." She rubbed his back. "It's so hard when something like that happens. It feels like nothing can fix it, doesn't it?"

Josuke nodded, baring his teeth. It hurt to even move his head.

"But I promise, it will end up okay. I think your first step is to apologize to Okuyasu."

"But mom, I don't—"

"Ah-ah-ah! No arguing, I'm your mother. Apologizing isn't going to hurt things, I promise."

"Okay. I can do that." Josuke said in a small voice.

"And about the crush thing... it's going to work out if it's meant to, Josuke. I think you should tell him how you feel."

Josuke was opening his mouth for a response, but she cut him off.

"I know you're about to tell me that you don't want to ruin your relationship with him. But being dishonest with Okuyasu would hurt your friendship more than an unrequited crush would."

"Yeah, I know, but still." Josuke mumbled into his arms.

"I know." She rubbed his back some more. "Do you want some eggs? Protein always helps with a hangover."

"That would be amazing. My head feels like a rock."

Tomoko laughed. "I'm sure it does. Hold tight for just a sec while I make those eggs."

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