Closer to 100%

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  • Dedicated to "Justin"

"I didn't want to slow dance with you today because I thought you didn't want it, but I would've done it if you wanted it. You know I love you so I would." ~Justin, 2015  (Is that not adorable and sweet? That was on a private chat on Hangouts)

Today's date is March 5, 2015. Someone's birthday. I can't exactly forget the birthday, since I have this kind of memory thing for birthdays. Besides, in my opinion, knowing someone's birthday, but not wishing them a happy birthday is kind of rude. Kind of. If they don't know that you know their birthday, well, I guess they wouldn't really care. Bottom line is that today was Axel's birthday.

I mentioned it before in the previous entry that I made a draft to send the next day. This morning I texted Justin (yes, we kind of text each other) and asked him to confirm Axel's cell number. Don't ask why but I still remember it, but I definitely did not want to accidentally send a stranger a text. I have limited text so why waste it on a stranger?

Anyway, so I got the confirmation of the number and I sent my text, honestly not expecting any kind of response. So I sent it and all that. Justin told me to give him 3 more points for confirming the number for me and well, I thought, sure why not, so I did. Then, he was at 90%.

On the bus to school, I received a text from Axel which was basically asking who I was and how I got his number. To be fair, he probably didn't have my number programmed as a contact anymore, so it was understandable that he would react that way. The same was with me though. I don't have his number as a contact either. I replied giving a simple answer and he replied. 

I got of the bus to walk to school and when I was nearing the school, I met up with Theo who was also walking in the direction of the school. We walked to the back where there were a few of our classmates and then I made the decision to text Axel back even though I told myself I sholdn't do it. I have no will power. Hope was also there and I told her what I was doing and she said to say happy birthday from her as well, so I did. I sent it and that was it.

The staff must be pretty cruel because we were standing outside for a while, freezing in the cold. Riley and Hayden also came and Riley and I tried some kind of thing to get the attention of someone inside. Hope did the same too. Then, I went to the junior's entry door and I was let in. By the time I was inside though, the door for my friends was already opened. My hands were literally freezing and numb at that point, so I was glad we were let in.

We basically chilled until the bell rung and we had to go upstairs. We had double geo for the first two periods and somehow while we were learning about population or something, we got on the topic of arranged marriages. Ms I took the liberty to start pairing a few of my classmates (e.g. Raven and Christian, Melissa and Fernando, etc.) to contribute to our discussion. We also got assigned something that was to be due on Monday.

For morning recess, I headed down to "help" shelve books at the school library (I actually help sometimes...) and Theo and Justin headed down there as well. It was a shorter recess than normal, so it didn't take long before the bell rang. When I was heading back upstairs, I noticed I was walking with Justin alone. It was awkward, so I just kind of sped up. He was asking about what happens when he reaches 100% and honestly, I didn't even have an answer, so I just kind of avoided it. 

Next two periods were both language which wasn't that interesting. Just some guided reading and talking with Raven about Justin and stuff. 

It was indoor lunch, or at least, we were supposed to eat lunch inside then go outside for like 10 minutes, but Ms I basically kicked most of us out of class because she wanted to hold some kind of meeting for kids who were going to participate in the Multicultural Night we're going to have. However, this was the kind of act in which these kids didn't have to audition because our teachers wanted us to be part of it. Guess who didn't chose to participate?

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