The Day Before the Wedding

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(We know Eret uses all pronouns so we will be using all in this fic! Hope you enjoy!)

The tall lengthy man lies lazily on his throne, his feet hanging off one end. With his crown on the ground and his once clean and fancy strawberry dress now dirty and torn. He certainly doesn't look like a king. He hadn't moved since about 3am last night, (the time he got home from the bar) and since it was now 12:30 in the afternoon, the cool metal of his golden seat was now beginning to hurt his lower back. He decided that it was probably time to get off his sorry ass before someone saw him in his hungover and messy state. As he arose from his throne he stretched and cracked his neck, only groaning out a rough "fuck me" as his head began to pound.

After a bit of stumbling across the absolutely massive palace that he called his home, he finally made it to the washroom. Sighing as he pulled the now disgusting and dirty piece of pink fabric from his body. "Shit," he muttered, looking at the once expensive material before tossing it behind him with a frustrated grumble.

Finally Eret turns the faucet on, letting the warm water soak their hair and soothe their aching body. They let out a sigh of relief as they felt the tension washing away along with the dirt. They felt their thoughts clear a little as the clear liquid slid across their body. This was going to be a good day, they decided.


Feeling a sudden urge of energy, Eret decided to take a walk. Every step on the 'Prime Path' filling them with a sort of pride. As they continued walking along the wooden planks, they began to take notice of the many couples around them, wether they be lying in the grass or simply taking a walk like Eret happened to be, they seemed to be everywhere. Eret began to feel very insecure about the situation, all the love around them made them think about someone, someone that should not have come to mind when thinking of romance. Shaking their head, they decided that it would be a good idea to head back home. That is, until they turned around and saw a certain furry holding a stack of flyers.

"Fuck!" Eret forgets to stop herself before speaking. The fox hybrid whipped around, hardly leaving Eret any time to jump into a nearby pool of water.

"Eret? Is that you?"
Eret panics momentarily. "Shit," she mutters.

"Yeah, yep it's me, hey Fundy..."
"Hi Eret! Um, why are you in a puddle?"
Eret stutters for a moment before finally deciding on, "Thought it was nice weather for a swim?" She chuckles slightly before deciding to change the subject. "So what are those flyers about?" Fundy looks confused for a moment before looking to the flyers in his hand. His face lights up as he grabs one and hands it to the taller figure. Eret notices his tail wagging rapidly as he begins to explain.

"Have you not heard? Me and Dream finally decided to tie the knot! I'm getting married Eret!" The fox exclaims. Eret feels time slow to a halt as the realization of what Fundy just said hits him. She clutches the paper tightly, almost tearing the thin material.
A soft, "Oh?" Is all Eret can manage to utter without letting any emotion slip into his voice.
"Yes!" Fundy screams excitedly, "Isn't it just amazing? I'm so happy!" At this point Eret was struggling not to cry. "Yeah, Fundy. That's- pretty cool." Erets voice cracks slightly on the last word. "I know! God, I just love him so much, you'll be there tomorrow, right?" He looks at Eret with pleading eyes and a soft smile. Eret stares at the shorter boy for a moment before saying. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Fun-dip." Fundy ignores the stupid nickname. "Thank you so much! I couldn't imagine getting married without my best friend there! See you tomorrow! 3pm sharp! The rest of the details are on the flyer!" Fundy shouts while running away towards another unsuspecting group of people.

Eret smiles at how happy the fox boy seems before the gravity of what he was just told begins to weigh down on him. Eret isn't really sure of how to feel as they walk back down the prime path all the way back to his castle. Staring at the semi-crumbled price of paper in his hands one final time before ripping it to shreds and storming to his room, slamming the heavy spruce door behind him. Almost instantly collapsing onto his bed and crying into his pillow.

Eret didn't know why he felt the way he did that night, he was angry, and sad, but above all he felt betrayed. Though it's not like Fundy betrayed him by marrying the man he loved, Eret knew this. But he wasn't really one for rationalization. Deciding to bury his emotions with a lot of alcohol instead of actually confronting them, as per usual. He blacked out. Only waking up the next day with a splitting headache. Only to discover that he was late to Fundys wedding. And while he was feeling depressed and angry towards Fundy for seemingly no reason at all. He decided to get ready as hastily as he could while still managing to look nice, because damn it. If he couldn't be there for his best friend, then he might as well not consider himself to be Fundys best friend at all.

End of chapter one (btw I wrote this with a friend if you could give them some support this is their user. @sqwuabbles

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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