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Ship~ Hopesoo


"So you mean he just left you there

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"So you mean he just left you there." asked Jhope.

"Yeah pretty much." replied Jisoo hugging her knees.

"He walked hand in hand with sana, just leaving you there?" asked Jhope as Jisoo looked at the far sunset while he stared at her.

"mm hm" She nodded.

"Jisoo..." Jhope said as slowly tears started to stream down her face.

That day was the day Jisoo's fiancé broke up with her, well she had a suspicion on him and her fellow bridesmate to be. They looked at each other with such lust while the wedding planning was happening.

After the wedding rehearsal she went to her hotel room to see her fiancé and her bridesmate making out. She hoped she could her something from them, maybe a cover up, even just an excuse but all she heard was.

"Im calling this wedding off, i should have done it a long time ago, i don't love you Jisoo." said Jisoo Ex-fiancé. hearing this she was broken, she wanted to scream at them, shout at them, slap him but nothing came out. She was glued to the floor as she watched them leave the room hand in hand.

She was broken and hated it, she went straight to her bestfriend and told him they had to leave immediatly and so they did.


Jisoo and Jhope where the most bestest of friends, they were always together. After what happened to Jisoo Jhope showed her the right path and navigated everything for her. She knew he was her hope and that she wouldn't want to spent her life with anyone else.But she never admitted it.

One day a new spark in Jisoo awoke and all she wanted was revenge, she studied more into why her fiancé cheated on her, and why her close friend did too. 

Soon she figured he was lured by things she made him promise they wouldn't do until marriage, sana knew right where to hit him so he fell right into her trap and all she ever wanted was his money.

Jisoo wasnt really rich, she was from a good family and thats all that really mattered. But she wanted revenge so she worked hard and with the help of Jhope she became a very succesful CEO richer than anyone in korea. With her power and all she helped Taehyung, Jhopes brother become richer than her and as she expected sana came crawling right to him. 

Jisoo's Ex was broken after finding out sana cheated on him, Taehyung after finishing the plan broke up with sana.

Everything went according to plan and the Ex came back to Jisoo, but she didnt want someone like him.

"Please Jisoo im very sorry i know how you must have felt now." he said begging at her.

"Im sorry Jinyoung, but i have eyes for someone else now." Jisoo said.

"Please Jisoo-

Suddenly Jhope entered asking her what the emergency was.

"What is it Jisoo are you okay?" he asked worried. His eyes travelled to Jinyoung.

"If its him, i'll beat him up in-

"No its not." repiled Jisoo.

Just as if it was planned the lights went off, Jisoo and Jhope eyes were shining in the moon light.

"I have to tell you something." she said moving closer to him.

"I- i- love you Jhope" she said looking right at him. Hoping for an answer but all she say was his face contort.

"I- i-" thats all he said before running out.

Jisoo seeing him go could help but cry. 

"Well now that hes not gonna return you're love, how about you marry me." said Jingyoung straighting his suit. Hearing this rae sparked in Jisoo.

She dashed straight towards him,charging his towards his face. Unprepared, Jinyoung recoiled from a punch to his jaw with a wince. In retaliation, he prepared to strike Jisoo in the stomach, But she managed to dodge. After throwing a few more punches at him she finally cooled down.

"Shut that hole of yours Park" Jisoo said coldly as she walked away.

Jhope suddenly brust through the door and hugged her tightly.

"Im sorry, i was just not prepared." he said and kneeled down on one knee.

"Jisoo, will you marry me?" he said showing her a beautiful diamond ring.

"YES!" she squeled as Jinyoung groaned in pain at the back.

Both of them left happily hand in hand while Jinyoung looked at them with tears.

"Stupid manipulater sana." he groaned.



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