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With his weak body, he run to the said destination not caring about his recovering body.

He's sick but to him seeing her hurt is something he could never imagine even though he know she's been hurt by the same guy just like him getting hurt by the same girl.

He wanted to blame the other but he feels like it's his fault that he fails to protect the female.

The street wasn't that empty so he kept bumping into people since his head is so dizzy almost making him faint.

As much as he want to stop running and take a break, an image of her crying and broken kept repeating in his head which lead him forcing his own body for a girl that hurt him deeply.

' Just wait for me...

Even though you wish that it was him and not me.... '

Arriving infront of her doorstep, he didn't hesitate to rush in.

Her figure is crawled into a ball while crying her heart out

She look very fragile that he want to hug her so bad right now

Hyejin look up to him as she feels a present near her

Walking up to her slowly with a faint smile, he sat next to her while comforting her

" Shhh its okayy.. im here even though you dont want to... " Saying last few words as a whisper not loud enough for the girl to hear, heeseung pat her sobbing back

" When will..

When will i can actually consider him as mine?

When will i can finally be in his arms?

When will i can finally be happy with him without hurt myself? "

Hyejin said , finally calming down.

' i could ask myself the same... '

His heart broke with the pain of being with or without her

If only she could say that she want him too at that time, all if couldn't have happened

As much as he pity her, he want to pity himself for being pathetic and thinking how he have a chance with her


Sitting in her living room, the clock hit 2 am

" Thank you Heeseung... I wish i could  thank you as much im thankful for having you as my friend "

If they make an eye contact right now, heeseung swear that she could see the hurt in his eyes after she said friends.

" Friends... Yeah... Hahaha "

Fidgeting with his hands awkwardly, he badly want to tell her that he want then to be more than friends

" Im so sorry that i couldn't return back your feelings but you know that.. "

All if the things he could be in this world yet he chose to be hers

" It's totally fine. You dont have to. I dont wanna cross the line and make things awkward so yeahh.. "

Looking at the clock on his phone, he knew that its too late to have a long chit chat with her

" I'll get going.. it's late already. Im not sure if I'll get to go to campus tomorrow so dont wait for me "

Walking out of the house after bidding goodbye, he feel like his eyes
was ready to form a river of tears

Remembering his mom's words...

" What stronger than the human heart which shattered over and over and still lives... "

If his life is a book he would title it as

' the killer and the loser '

And nobody will read it knowing that protagonist is a pathetic young man who hoping for a girl's love that he could never have rather than focusing on himself

𝙉𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 - 이희승Where stories live. Discover now