Why is bus security so mean?

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I am not here to seek attention, I am here to make you aware about the bus security and how they are merciless...

So basically I was hanging out with friends earlier. We had a limited amount of time and chose to travel by bus and in this hurry, me and my friend forgot to grab payment tickets. And to make things worse there were security guards at the bus stop. And we got fined 20 gel☹️. We literally spent ages explaining that it was accidentally, we were in a hurry and that it wouldn't happen again, that we were underage and not school graduates yet, but the guy was soo mean and had zero mercy. Usually you get a warning for such things....this was literally the first time this had happened, but this guy only cared about money and still fined me.
I can not explain how terrified I was. I almost hid behind my friend out of fear. I know I could have lied or something, but I was so scared, that I literally couldn't think straight.

This is just one example of security guards being merciless

What are your opinions on this?

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