"I am not going to Hurt you" (Giant Hiccup Haddock X Reader)

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Y/N's POV:
It seemed be a completely average day. Everyone in the village was doing their work, chatting with each other...while I sat in my home, doodling in my journal. Being the daughter of the village's chief was a one boring task. My father expected me to attend every one of his meetings, so I could 'learn' more about my future role. Most of them were discussions regarding the village's situation, resources and all that boring stuff. The only interesting part was probably updates on the giants. Giants are exactly like us, but much bigger. They are cruel and dangerous creatures, that can cause massive harm without much thought or effort. I have seen how cruel they can be and it was not a pretty situation. They seem to consider anyone or anything smaller than them as weak and below them and do not hesitate to taunt or hurt them...something they seem to think "shows their absolute strength and invincibility".
As I was busy doodling in my journal, my father came into my room, looking at me with a stern look on his face: "Today is a very important meeting, that I expect you as my heir to attend...and please try to act somewhat interested..." My attitude to the meetings and my constant daydreaming drove my father crazy. He'd tell me, that I have to be serious and attentive if I am to be chief of the village one day. I sighed as I reluctantly nodded, closing my journal and putting it into my bag, along with my pens, following my father.
After what felt like ages of walking, we made it to the hall of discussions. It was a large room with chairs for each member to sit on, decorated with a large chandelier and lots of ancient maps and tapestries. I sighed as I sat in my seat. My father being the chief, would come forward and start the discussion..and this one was no different.
After what felt like ages of discussing the village's resources and state, the captain of the guards stepped forward and began to speak: "There has been an increase of giant activity in the area around our village. It is best if the people stay very careful or don't leave the village at all. We can't have anyone else disappear again like years ago." Years ago, many humans had vanished thanks to the hands of giants...and amongst them was my mother. I was very young and do not remember much, but I can still recall her scared face, when she desperately tried to protect me, resulting in her being injured and taken. I haven't seen or heard from her ever since.

————————-Time Skip—————————-

After the meeting had ended, I decided to take the risk and went out into the forest, taking my bag of supplies with me. I knew I had to be careful, so I did my best to keep a low profile in order not to be spotted by anyone. After what felt like ages of walking, I decided to settle on a huge rock, taking out my journal. I watched the birds fly around and walk on the branches of a tree, that resided next to the bush. Their wings were very elegant and beautiful. I watched them as I drew a few sketches. Little did I know, my peace was soon to be interrupted. As I was doodling some flowers, that were right in front of me, I felt what seemed like the winds picking up. It wasn't a usual occurrence for spring. I then looked up to the see something huge and black soaring through the sky, that seemed to be heading down. It was most likely what was causing the huge winds. It continued to fly around, until it landed on the ground, right in front of the bush. It didn't take long for me to figure out, that it was a huge dragon...and worst of all, it seemed to be carrying a rider on it's back...a giant. I quickly scrambled to my feet and dove inside the bush. I watched as the rider stepped down from it's mount, removing his helmet, revealing a handsome young man that looked to be 19-21 years old. He had long brown hair and the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen in my whole entire life. I have to admit, he was quite good looking. I continued to hide as I watched him lie down underneath the tree, the dragon resting on his left hand side. "Let's rest out here for a bit, bud." He spoke. His voice was very loud and booming, yet somehow managed to stay soothing in a way. He wore a black and brown suit, that looked to be viking style and had a prosthetic left leg. I watched as he took out what looked to be a journal and began to write things down. I just hoped he wouldn't come towards the bush. "I can never get tired of coming here, this place is just so beautiful." The giant spoke, still holding his journal. The dragon then proceeded to approach and laid its head down on his lap. "I love you too, bud." The giant chuckled as he petted the dragon's head. Those two seemed to have a really close bond based on their actions. As I continued to watch them, I didn't notice how I stepped on one of the branches, causing it to snap and make a noise. I froze when I saw the giant sit up and turn his gaze towards the blackberry bush I was hiding in. "Did you hear that too, bud?" He asked his dragon as he stood up and began to walk towards the place, where I was hidden.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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