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(This takes place one month after the last part)

*In CoreFour*
Arch: Hey guys! My dad is back at home!
Betts: Thats great Arch!
V: Thats amazing Archie!
Arch: Wheres Jughead?
V: I dont know Betty?
Arch: Betty?
V: WhErE'd ShE gO!?
Jug: Hey have you guys seen Betty?
V: She was just here. I thought she went to you-
Jug: No. I just got to her house
Arch: She doesnt seem to be in her room?
Jug: Guys! Ive checked the whole house! Shes not here and her phone is still here!
V: Where the hell did she go!?
Jug: I just heard a thump. Im scared to go downstairs..
Arch: I have an idea but it's kinda stupid-
Jug: Ok...
V: What is it?
Arch: Ronnie. Get to my house. Jug. Lock Betty's door and open the window, I'll open mine. Grab her ladder and place it at my window and crawl across.
Jug: That sounds very stupid. Im in. Or I can call Alice?
Arch: She hates you-
Jug: I can call Hal
V: Guys! I just found a letter at my door!
Arch: What is it!?
V: It's a letter from... The BlackHood.
Jug: Holy shit. Bring it to Archies. We will read it here.

Jughead's POV
I did Archie's very stupid plan to get across but it did work so I closed the window when I got out then crawled across to Archie's house.... Damn it was scary. Veronica got to Archie's house 30 minutes after she texted us and ran upstairs.
"Im here!" Veronica said closing and locking Archie's door "Ok.. Give me the letter" I said as she handed me the peice of paper "What does it say Jug?" Archie wondered "It says... Dear Veronica, Jughead and Archie. I have taken your little blondie of a friend Betty Cooper. The only way to get her back is by closing everyone out of your life. Beside each others. First will go your closest friend but not each other! Remember! So Veronica. Yours is Kevin. Archie. Yours is Reggie. And Jughead. Yours is Toni. If you refuse to do my task. Betty will pay for your mistake. Have fun! Next letter will go to Archie. Your Friend, The BlackHood" I said "I cant close Reggie out of my life!?" Archie said "I cant do that to Kevin!" Veronica said "I cant do that to Toni either but if we dont then Betty pays!" I said "Fine.. We meet here after." Archie said putting his fist out "Im scared whats next" Veronica said putting her fist out "No matter what. Were getting Betty back. From this moment on. We dont know where Betty is. We dont know who has her. We didnt get a letter from the blackhood. Deal." I said putting my fist out "Deal." Veronica and Archie both said putting there fist down with me "Let's go ruin some people" I said. We all left Archie's house to go lock people out of our lives.. I've known Toni for so long that it's hard pushing her away, she's the one person who didnt judge me in Southside High... "Toni!?" I shouted from across the trailer park "What's up Jug?" Toni said "Uhm.... Im sorry. I cant see you anymore" I said "What!?" Toni said "I cant.. Im sorry" I said running away "JUGHEAD!" I heard Toni shout as I ran.

Veronica's POV
I had to close Kevin out of my life. I cant do that! He's my best friend minus Betty. But I dont want Betty to die so... I ran to Kevin's house and ran up to his room to find him with Toni. "Kevin... I cant see you anymore" I said "What why!?" Kevin said "Jughead just did this to me!?" Toni said "Im sorry... I cant see you anymore. I always love you my gay" I said running out of the house... "VERONICA!" I heard Kevin shout. Fuck! Fuck this motherfucking blackhood! I love Kevin.. Now I cant!

Archie's POV
I left my house with Jughead and Veronica to Reggie's house to see him with Kevin and Toni... That's weird. "What do you want Archie?" Reggie said "I cant-" I couldn't finish "See me anymore? Jughead and Veronica just did that to Kevin and me" Toni said "Yea.. I cant tell why. We'll explain everything after just for now.. We cant see you" I said running out of the house. Fuck. They cant be catching on...

*In Core Four*
Arch: I did it... But Toni and Kevin were at Reggie's house..
V: That's weird. Kevin was with Toni..
Jug: They must have left...
Arch: This is fucking wrong!
Jug: Let's just see the next task then get Betty back!
V: Ok.. See ya at Archies...
Arch: Cya..
Jug: Bye...
*V.Lodge, Jughead.Jones and A.Andrews went offline*

Black Hood has striked.
Betty is taken!!!!
Poor Kevin, Toni and Reggie. What do you think the next task will be?
Do you want me to make another ship that's not in the show come true?
What other couples do you want to see more of?
(I wanna try to keep Bughead in my story but if you want I can make someone else with Jughead or Betty) (Or anyone else)
Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas!

Go check out my books 'The Love Of Riverdale' and 'The Master Plan'

My best friend anime_sarah22 may not give an idea because she wants our Jughead Jones dead! Unless she has an idea not with Jughead dead then she may.

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