🌺 Chapter 19 🌺

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The depiction of clemency. Clementine droplets of citrusy wind besprinkled into the analeptic atmosphere, as a deity promenaded into a village. Lemony and aqueous beige rivers of hair streamed behind the diaphanous deity, as the clementine droplets of wind persisted to gyrate. Their jewelled brocade dress fluttered with the blushing zephyrs, as if it had been painted and fabricated with milky dandelion seeds. Bubbles of rosy rhodonite flooring carried the goddess's white plumose shoes to their location. Specifically, this gossamery deity's mind had been embroidered with nacreous pearly strings of ameliorate. For, this paradisal morning, a bijoux lullaby of a calligraphic myth splashed onto the goddess's mind, a myth espied as Blood's Judgment Day. Truth be told, it was the first time the deity had descried a myth where an inky calamity had ascended and ruined both a seraphic deity and their village. It was rare for a cacophonous and sonorous melody of havoc to be strung on a violin for all to see, which perturbed the mellifluous deity. Laved and rinsed with hydrous sorrow, was the goddess of crescendos in this sanguine myth. It was this prismatic and ornamented deity that was the star of the show in Blood's Judgement Day, which was not a celebratory factor. Despite her veins flowing with fragrant extraterrestrial ichor, the goddess of crescendos would soon have her heavenly title removed because of this myth. However, the rubescent deity promenading through Cadence Village, with their smile flaccid like a sandy rivulet of forgiveness, would not accept this. Mercifully, the deity had embellished one jewelled thought in their mind as they faced the cloudy mirage of an inky shrine. A bijouterie thought, that had been painted with watercolour strokes of citrusy clemency. In truth, this thought was that the hydrous and watery sorrow the deity felt could alter its semblance. Water is flexible and pliant, meaning that if it can take the form of sorrow, it can take the form of bliss. All it took was a little drop of clemency, which the blonde deity was ready to bestow. This was the depiction of clemency. I blinked as patinated and oxidised tears of confusion infused into the air, casting an aqueous suspicious glow on Sayaka's face. Unraveling wavelets of watery words lingered in the air and pirouetted around the blushing sunstone houses. As the single deity introduced her name as well as her companion's, the fluttering and plumose pampas bent its head down in respect. I scratched the back of my neck as no one stated a word, as if something offensive had just been admitted. Delicately, I flittered my red pupils towards Nagito, desiring to see his expression. Illustrated on his papery face was a besmirched and inky hue of anxiety, entwining with dubiety. His pallid eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was coiled into a small frown dripping with unspoken words. However, this painted facial expression was not directed towards the mention of Celestia earlier, but at Sayaka. After all, it was bluntly stated by a deity named Kaede that her hidden companion was Sayaka Maizono, the goddess of crescendos. Also frequently and customarily referred to as Blood's Judgement Day's star of the show. Considering this fact and the hydrous possibility that Nagito could have witnessed the events in Sayaka's myth, he has all the reasons to be stupefied. A citrusy and chiffon blanket of silence whirled onto all of our tongues. I narrowed my eyes, noticing that it would only be socially decorous and proper if I spoke next.
"Thank you for your utmost welcome Kaede and Sayaka. My name is Izuru Kamukura and my companion's name is Nagito Komaeda," I began with a stoic and polite tone, tilting my head out of respect for the two deities. On the right was Kaede Akamatsu, the blonde deity who was the goddess of eudaemonia. In other words, Kaede was the goddess of euphoric and blissful situations. On the left was Sayaka Maizono, the goddess of crescendos. Nagito and I had formerly conversed about her in the myth Blood's Judgement Day. Even though the myth never stated what actions Sayaka effectuated after the shrine incident, it is rather coincidental that we have met her in this village. I paused, that reminds me, both Nagito and I do not know the name of this village or our location. While glassily blinking, I cleared my throat.
"Although, if I am not being rude, may I ask for the name of this village?" I questioned them, while tilting my head slightly. Kaede, who was standing in front of us with her basket, cleared her throat and tucked some hair away from her ear. I hummed, it seemed as if Kaede had been bestowed a bubbly and vivacious personality, a charisma that must be adored by her worshippers. Though, her friend beside her continued to asphyxiate the moonstone flooring with her eyes, as if conversing with words was tedious. Sayaka's vermillion cloak fluttered in the feathery winds, as if her attire had been made by dandelion seeds. In my opinion, Sayaka's persona and identity has drastically changed, like the foamy ocean currents amidst the soapy rain.
"This is our Clemency Village, where us two deities reside along with our gossamery worshippers," Kaede smiled and tinted her head at the distrait companion bedizened in rouge. I bit my lip, noticing how the gelid wind currents ruffled against Kaede's pearly and sumptuous brocade dress. Lustrous lullabies of light streamed down onto Kaede from the moon, making her dress seem like a bijoux or regalia. Her dress had been pigmented a white, the type of ivory that seemed to coruscate against the night sky. Embroidered into the brocade, were intricate and involuted patterns of ethereal pampas. I hummed, noticing that pampas appeared to be an ordinary and common theme for Clemency village. Perhaps that was because pampas grass was a plain and simple plant which represented an atone for sins. This meaning and symbolism of pampas grass reflect the representation of Clement Village, as clement means merciful. A soft, but firm, sigh escaped my lips, as I glanced towards Sayaka. A possible conclusion for her presence is that she came here to seek forgiveness after her mistake with the autobiographies. Although for some reason, that seems fairly unlikely and improbable.
"It is a pleasure to meet both of you and I hope that we are not interrupting anything. We were looking for Cadence Village and it appears that we have gotten lost," Nagito sighed and added a slightly awkward laugh at the end. Narrowing my eyes, I glanced at the Royal Exorcist's expression once more. However, the ripples of uncertainty had been replaced with fluttering gouache paint splashes of desertion. In other words, he desired to depart this village as soon as possible without any calamities. I cascaded my glance to the side, watching Kaede's face distort into fervent tinges of remembrance. Her deep plum pupils widened as a smile embroidered itself onto her face with silk threads.
"Cadence Village is past Clement Village, you are not far away. However, both Sayaka and I would not recommend travelling now. For it is far too late and the moon is upon us," Kaede began as her smile illuminated both of our faces. "Though, we would love to offer our hospitality to both of you in return of a favour."
I raised and eyebrow and took a step back, my leather shoes gliding on the seraphic moonstone soundlessly. My sugary and gluttonous veins contorted in wariness and vigilance about this certain favour. Truth be told, I abhorred and loathed the thought of reciprocating favours with someone else. Not only was it a headache, but it was a constant reminder that one was indebted to someone which was not a fragrant sensation.
"I am certain that you have heard and descried the myth Blood's Judgement Day which describes Sayaka's predicaments. These anguishing events resulted in Sayaka possessing no worshippers which is ruinous for a deity," the goddess of eudaemonia started while staring at her basket of poinsettias and pampas. "No worshippers means that the deity cannot use their spiritual powers. However, there is a specific medicine in Cadence Village that allows Sayaka to use her spiritual powers without worshippers. I would appreciate it if you could retrieve it for me on your journey."
I hummed, consideration's candle burning a fragrance in the back of my mind. Honestly, the blonde deity was correct that it was far too late to be travelling through pampas fields carelessly and inattentively. It would be suitable to find accommodation in this village and since Kaede is offering her hospitality, it would be a foolish reply to disagree. It did not take an incense stick of time to burn for me to nod, accepting the request after slight thought. It was a fairly simple and straightforward task that would not take a prolonged amount of time. Besides, Nagito is tired and we need accommodation for tonight, which was Kaede's offer within the arrangement.
Tenderly, the deity of eudaemonia smiled at my nod and glanced at Nagito for his approval. The Royal Exorcist cleared his throat, preparing his tired and lullabying voice to verbalise.
"We will accept your offer and obtain the medicine for you, it wouldn't be a problem after all. Furthermore, Izuru and I are grateful for your hospitality," Nagito stated with a slight nod of high regards. Kaede cascaded her white silk sclera and plum threaded eyes away from her basket and onto the two of us. Her smile was now dripping with an inflated sense of bliss.
"In regards to the accommodation, both of you will be residing at our petite, but beauteous, palace. It is only fair, do you agree with this Sayaka?" Kaede commented while stating a question into the end, which was directed to the deity of crescendos. However, no mellifluous or cacophonous response was sung by Sayaka and instead a melody of silence followed. Kaede waited a moment before glancing at her companion, who had been standing in the same cabochon position this whole conversation. I blinked as Sayaka kept voiceless for two minutes before peculiarly mumbling something incomprehensible.
"My memories have been bruised by bubbles of ichor and cacophonies, to the point that I cannot visualise them anymore. Yet," Sayaka whispered, her voice quivering beneath her vermillion cloak as she continued to stare at the floor. "Yet, I can remember the both of you at my shrine years and years ago, despite the blurriness. So tell me, why have my bubbles of clemency and lullabies not veiled the two of you?"

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