Chapter 13: Codenames and Internship Decisions

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On (Y/N)'s trip to school, it was raining, heavily. He stood on the train, scrolling through his phone, looking at the usual memes and such, when he saw an article pop up showing Stain's most recent victim.

(Y/N): 'Oh no... Iida. Don't do anything stupid.' He thought to himself while reading it.

Pro Hero: Ingenium paralysed by Hero Killer: Stain in Hosu City!!

Tensei Iida, also known as Ingenium, has been paralysed from the waist down by none other than the Hero Killer: Stain himself. It is unclear why he has left very few pros alive after encounters with them, investigators are still trying to figure out his motives.

(Y/N) cursed to himself, he's currently torn between siding with his idol, or his friend. Stain had paralysed one of the few GOOD pro heroes left in society. The others being the teachers at UA, Edgeshot, Miruko, Best Jeanist, Kamui Woods, Hawks and Mount Lady.

He got of the train and walked to UA, trying to ignore the congratulations sent his way, he acknowledged them but didn't want to talk too much since his mood was soured.

He reached his seat in his classroom and sat down, looking out the window to the raging weather outside.

Aizawa walked in silencing the class with his mere presence. He announced that they were making code names for their internships and that Midnight was taking over this lesson.

15 minutes of (Y/N)'s mind being blank as names were being shot out left and right.

Aoyama - The Sparkling Hero: Can't stop twinkling.

Asui - The Rainy Season Hero: Froppy

Kirishima - The Rock Hard Hero: Red Riot

Jirou - The Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack

Shoji - The Tentacle Hero: Tentacole

Sero: The Taping Hero: Cellophane

Ojiro - The Martial Arts Hero: Tail-man

Sato - The Sweet Treat Hero: Sugar-Man

Ashido - Pinky

Kaminari - The Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt

Hagakure - The Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl

Yaoyorozu - The Creation Hero: Creati

Todoroki - Shouto

Tokoyami - The Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi

Mineta - Grape Juice

Koda - The Meet and Greet Hero: Anima

Uraraka - Uravity

Midnight: "Alright! All that remains is Bakugou's revision for his name, Iida, Hiyasu. Plus Midoriya."

Iida kept writing down the same three letters, as if he was contemplating something. The three letters were 'Ing' the first three letters of 'Ingenium'. He eventually settled with his own real name.

(Y/N) walked up to the front of the class after finally deciding on a name.

(Y/N): "The Blizzard Hero: Tōshō." He said holding the board with his new code name on it loosely.

He went to sit back down as Deku walked up, declaring his name as 'Deku', saying that he'd bring a different meaning to it.

After that, everyone was talking about who they'd intern with, (Y/N) wasn't really paying attention earlier, but he saw that he had tied with Todoroki in offers, with a total of 4,123 offers each, probably from the same people.

(Y/N): "Hey... Todoroki. Wanna go to the same internship as each other?"

Shouto: "Sure. I don't really care, but I highly doubt you got an offer from my father."

(Y/N) scanned over his sheets, seeing Endeavor's agency on the first page. But saw Edgeshot right underneath.

(Y/N): "Sorry, but I changed my mind. I'm going with Edgeshot." He said, putting Edgeshot as his first choice, Endeavor as his second and Kamui Woods as third.

Shouto: "Fine by me."

(Y/N): "Ojiro, Hagakure, who are you two going with?" He asked.

Ojiro: "Meh... I don't really know I guess I should choose Kamui's agency."

Hagakure: "Same." She said.

After school, (Y/N) was walking alongside Uraraka, Iida, Deku, Ojiro, Hagakure and Kaminari. The conversation started out normally, talking about everyone's day, then it moved to the internships.

Kaminari: "So... I was wondering who you guys are going with for your internships." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Deku: "I got a last second offer, from an old pro called Gran Torino, he used to be a teacher at UA, so I'm going with him." He said smiling slightly, tilting his head a little.

Uraraka: "I'm going with Gunhead. My horizons will be expanded because of it, so I can save more people." She explained, punching the air in front of her.

Hagakure/Ojiro: "Kamui Woods' agency." They said in unison.

(Y/N): "Edgeshot, it was him or the flaming piece of shit." He said shortly.

Kaminari: "Man, I wish I chose someone cool like you guys. I picked some hero nobody really knows, I may have gotten a lot of offers, but they were all boring heroes. I chose Backdraft." He said, slightly disappointed that he didn't get more offers from memorable heroes.

Iida: "I chose the normal hero: Manual." He said shortly.

(Y/N) knew exactly why he chose Manual, he was stationed in Hosu, as was Stain. He thought he might as well warn Iida not to attempt it.

(Y/N): "Iida... Don't even try it." Everyone looked at him like he was talking to himself. "Don't try and go after Stain, that's the only reason you're going, right? If Stain can paralyse Ingenium, and kill even bigger pros, what do you think he'll do to you? Especially since your motive here is revenge." He said, trying to talk sense into his rage blind friend.

Iida: "What does Stain care about motive? He nearly killed my brother, he nearly killed a great man." He said, beginning to get angry. "Alright then, tell me, what is Stain's motive, hmm?"

(Y/N): "Stain may have nearly killed your brother, yes. But he didn't, he was fully capable of killing him right there and then. As of Stain's motive, getting rid of false heroes, the ones who are only heroes for fame..." He took a deep breath to calm down. "Listen, Iida... I know how you feel. There is someone I want to kill too, but I'm not going to. I thought you were more levelheaded than me, but alas, you're just more foolish. Drop the hunt for Stain, if you don't it'll end up bad for you. Even if you do manage to kill him, your hero career will be over, and you won't be able to uphold your family's legacy." He said before walking off. "See ya around."

Once (Y/N) was far enough away, Deku started trying to talk sense into Iida, but only one thing was running through his mind.

Iida: 'How does he know so much about the Hero Killer? Hiyasu may be right... But what am I supposed to do with these overwhelming emotions?'

W/C: 1104

A/N: Here ya go, also, thank you to SIlentPred for pointing out the inconsistencies I accidentally made.

-Sincerely, ImTired269

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