Chapter 22: Training with New Equipment

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Touya: "Hey (Y/N), want to come with me and prove dad wrong? We can be heroes together! An unstoppable duo of fire and ice, taking down the villains and saving the people! Become the best in the world, number one!" A young Touya said with a hand outstretched to an even younger (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah! We'll be the best! We'll be all like 'don't worry sir, we'll save you' then whoosh we swoop in, beat up the bad guys and boom! We've saved the world!" He said waving his hands like a plane and even imitating an explosions with his hands.

Touya: "We'll be the best! So come on! Let's go!" He cheered as he held his younger brothers hand and set off their home's property line without any plan, but they knew they were going to be better heroes than anyone else, oblivious to the hardships ahead.

(Y/N) woke up from his sleep, the moonlight illuminated a strangely empty and clean room, (Y/N) was confused for a while until he looked around and saw a lava lamp on a desk, and remembered that he was in a dorm room. He got up, still in his pyjamas and walked to his wardrobe, where he saw his slightly worn and torn clothes, and his fresh clothing that he bought a week before during the Bakugou rescue mission, which has been recently dubbed 'The Kamino Incident' or something. (Y/N) grabbed the fresh white t-shirt he bought a week ago, some fresh underwear and a pair of trousers, while throwing on a pair of socks that (Y/N) found in his room, while assuming that they were Himiko's, since they were pink with kitten patterns.

(Y/N) walked his way to the bathroom with his toothbrush and toothpaste in hand, and made his way to a vacant sink and he started to brush his teeth as he looked in the mirror, seeing the white roots of his hair underneath all of the black. He sighed as he spat out the excess toothpaste.

Shouto: "Are you already getting grey hairs?" He asked as he saw the white roots.

(Y/N): "Nah, I just dye my hair." He said as he washed his face with the water from the sink. "I don't think white is a good hair colour. It looks weird and people think your old despite your age." He mumbled as he walked out of the bathroom.

(Y/N) walked through the common area and to where the television was, he sat down on the sofa as Kirishima was browsing through the channels.

Hagakure: "Nice socks Hiyasu." She said as she hopped onto the couch next to (Y/N). "Are they yours or..." She asked as she began to trail off.

(Y/N): "They're Himiko's." He answered as he spotted Gravity Falls on one of the channels. "Kirishima, go back, I saw Gravity Falls." He said, to which Kirishima ignored and kept searching for something else. (Y/N) was kind of bummed out that he didn't Gravity Falls, but he sat in silence as he watched channel by channel go by, until a knocking at the front door caught (Y/N)'s attention. "I'll get it." He called out as he hopped off the couch and walked to the door, opening it and seeing Aizawa with a slight glare on his face. "Oh, hey mister Aizawa." He greeted.

Aizawa: "Hiyasu, get those swords of yours and come with me. That training I offered begins in a few minutes." He said.

(Y/N): "But... My swords were broken due to Kamino, and I don't have any spares." He said with a straight face.

Aizawa: "Oh, alright, we're going to the support class and getting you a new weapon made, so you aren't going in with your bare hands." He said while thinking a little. "Go get your shoes on, and then we'll go." He said looking at the pink socks on his students feet.

(Y/N) walked off to go get his shoes from his room, taking the lift to avoid walking up several flights of stairs. He slipped on his shoes and locked his dorm room before going with Aizawa to train.

The student and teacher walked across the school grounds until they reached the main building, where they walked past the faculty of the school, some of which gave small glances of distrust to (Y/N), he knew why, it was because of Touya and Himiko, but he still couldn't help but feel nervous around them.

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