Chapter 35: An (Un)Welcome Reunion

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Touya: "I caught wind that you were here y'see," he said as he walked a little closer, and cutting the three heroes off from the other heroes with a wall of blue flames.

Endeavor: "You're the one who murdered Snatch, or so I've heard," Endeavor growled as Hawks held him back. "The League of Villains, Dabi."

Hawks glanced at (Y/N), since he was the only one here capable of fighting now that the High End Nomu was dead, it took its toll on the top two heroes, and they were both heavily injured. (Y/N) stood up and started to get his steel batons ready.

Touya: "Snatch- who?" he asked, he didn't know who, but then again, he didn't really care, and that much was obvious by the way he said it. "Doesn't ring a bell. More importantly, let's have a little chat. Opportunities like these don't come around often," he said with a grin on his face.

Endeavor and Hawks tried their best to get up and fight, although, only Hawks really was able to move. Hawks was talking but (Y/N) was only focused on his brother.

Touya: "Hey, gimme a break would you. I only came to pick up the Nomu," Dabi lit his arms in flames, and (Y/N) raised his arm. "I mean, there's no way I could win against the top two heroes when they're both on death's door!" he charged forward and (Y/N) swung his right arm forward to try and hit Touya in the jaw, but Touya grabbed it without flinching and punched (Y/N) in the gut.

(Y/N): "H-huh?" he gasped for breath as he clutched at his stomach. Usually, in training he won, but he was floored in one hit.

Touya: "It's called training for a reason," he said, using his foot to push his brother aside to further his advance upon Hawks and Endeavor. "Stay down."

However, before Touya could reach his father and Hawks, a streak of white struck the ground with enough force to push the air aside and extinguish the flames around them. The figure bounced off the ground and was in the air for a while. (Y/N) recognised it to be Rumi Usagiyama, Miruko.

Miruko: "I saw the news and hopped right over!" (Y/N) glanced up at the bunny hero, and groaned, he couldn't stand puns... unless they were his own, in which case they were hilarious. "Looks like things are really heating up here, eh, Endeavor!? Hawks!?" (Y/N) groaned at the second pun, yet Miruko genuinely seemed happy with herself. "You're one of those League of Villains bastards ain'tcha?! I'll kick yer ass to kingdom come!" she shouted at Touya, who seemed genuinely troubled and disappointed (akin to a spoiled child being told that playtime was over) that someone who could actually fight back was right here.

Touya: "Miruko?! Man... just when things were getting good," he said, stepping backwards a little. "A little help, Ujiko?" he said, which caught (Y/N)'s attention. Who the hell was Ujiko? A black sludge emerged from Touya's mouth and surrounded him as if it were alive, and looked oddly familiar. "I'll catch ya later, mister number one hero. I'm sure we'll have another chance to speak again, but until then..." he took a deep breath and started to shout. "BREAK A LEG OUT THERE! BUT DON'T GO KICKING THE BUCKET JUST YET! TODOROKI ENJI!"

Miruko leapt forward with a kick, demanding he talk now... only to go through the black sludge after it encased Touya and transported somewhere else. She hit the concrete and hurt her leg with the impact. (Y/N) got up and groaned as he missed his chance to bring his brother in. He had to bring him in, to get him a reduced sentence. Even still, there was a nagging feeling in the back of his head telling him that the Hero Commission was lying to him.
(Y/N) sighed and walked over to the nearby baton that was practically knocked out of his hand when Touya stopped him. Training. That's not going to be worth much.

(Y/N): 'Touya probably has more tricks up his sleeves. But he didn't even flinch when he caught what is essentially a metal pipe. Surely that would've at least sent a shock through his body, but nothing? Something was up. Also, "just picking up the Nomu"... was this a test? If this was a test run, I dread to think what the real thing would look like, especially if one brought two top heroes to the brink of death.'  He thought as he put his steel batons into the straps on his back, and wrapped his capture tool loosely over his shoulders. 'There was a Nomu holding facility back in Kamino, right? That's what Kirishima saw, and it was destroyed. But something as grand as a full storage facility with advanced tubes requires someone with extensive knowledge on biology; a doctor, maybe. A doctor would probably have a second facility, that has to be the case, otherwise that one would've been running rampant back in Kamino, it must not have been ready back then.' He was deep in thought as he ignored all the other heroes and pushed through a crowd of civilians to get to the train station. The HPSC would probably have allowed (Y/N) to finish his field work for today, even still, after today, he doubted any villains would push their luck. The heroes will be pumped and inspired by this, so would the people. But that was just a plaster on a gaping wound, hope in heroes wouldn't last for long, not if there was going to be more Nomus like that. 'If this is what someone is pumping out... Ujiko, that was clearly important if Touya was willing to ask specifically for their help. Maybe that was the name of whoever was in charge of making the Nomus. I'll need to do some digging, or have someone else doing the digging for me. Hawks seems resourceful, and he has access to nicks of the woods that I don't. Then again, maybe I can do some recon, espionage. Fake defecting, join the villains until I can figure out what I need, and stab them in the back when it fits me. But to do it effectively, I'll need to leave UA and make them believe I'm a villain, even they don't fully trust me, and will probably treat me like an actual villain, and it will keep me away from being able to train effectively. God... thinking this much is hard.' He paid for a ticket at the train station, and got on the next train for Tokyo, his eyelids felt heavy as the gentle rattle of the wheels on the track and soft swaying was therapeutic and relaxing. 'Maybe I should just bring the information I have to Aizawa... he'll be able to follow up on it... he'd know what to do. He'd probably say I'm just a kid anyway. Heh, telling a grown-up. A responsible grown-up. It's oddly nice to know I've got someone in my corner... and he's not even my dad. Kinda feels like it though. Dadzawa. Sounds a bit stupid, but maybe I can workshop that... or maybe I shouldn't think of my teacher as a father.' with that, (Y/N)'s eyes closed, and he fell asleep with probably the smartest thoughts he has ever had.

He woke up a few minutes later, and got off the train, only to see Aizawa waiting on his phone, leaning on his car. He was dressed in his hero costume, as usual, and he said a few things to whoever he was talking to, and hung up.
(Y/N) approached his homeroom teacher rubbing his left eye, getting a bit of sleep out of his eye. 

(Y/N): "You didn't need to- okay, scrap that, how did you know I was on the train?" he asked, leaning onto the roof of Aizawa's car.

Aizawa: "Some of the heroes saw you walking to the train station and order your ticket... you seemed to be deep in thought, and they tried grabbing your attention, but you just continued to mutter stuff under your breath... you've picked up that habit from Midoriya," he explained as he opened the passenger side door for (Y/N). "Get in, we're going back to UA, and the HPSC has cleared you for the rest of the week. So now you can catch up on the all the school work you've missed out on," he grinned as (Y/N) groaned, but (Y/N) got into the car and relaxed into the seat. Aizawa got into the driver's seat. "So, you saw your brother today... and you were thinking a lot afterwards. So, what exactly did you learn?" he asked, starting the engine and driving towards UA. (Y/N) thought for a moment, he wanted to make sure his words were clear, and weren't minced together or anything.

(Y/N): "That Nomu, it was stronger than the one at the USJ, or any of the Nomus that were in Hosu... Touya said that a lot of things didn't go as expected... like it was a test... and he was there personally, as if he was just observing a test... and he was retrieving the body of it too... he also said the name 'Ujiko'... does that ring any bells?" he asked, glancing towards his teacher.

Aizawa: "Not of the top of my head, no... but it's something we can look into. Anything else on your mind?" he asked while focusing on the road, as he should.

(Y/N): "I also have reason to believe that the Nomu facility in Kamino was a branch of a bigger tree. Whoever this Ujiko guy is, has got to be a doctor... specifically one interested in Quirks... probably working for All for One..."

Aizawa: "In short, we're looking for a Quirk Doctor with the name Ujiko... got it, and a bigger storage facility?" he said, thinking about all that he was told. "Alright. Thank you for bringing this to my attention... instead of doing something stupid."

(Y/N): "Oh please. When have I ever done something stupid?" He asked, mildly offended.

Aizaea only looked at his student with a raised eyebrow, as if he was simply picking which irresponsible thing (Y/N) has done. He had no trouble thinking of them, simply which one.

Aizaea: "Okay, let's start with Kamino."

(Y/N): "...Dammit."

Word Count: 1762

Author's Note: Still a somewhat short chapter. Again, apologies. You guys waited like... a month for two thousand words and probably five minutes at most of reading. :(

- Sincerely, ImTired269

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