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I slowly pushed the large glass door open. My nerved were skyrocketing as I stepped into the large room. I pulled at my skirt self-consciously. Someone must've noticed how scared I looked, and walked over to me with a smile.

"You look a little lost." She chuckled, and I felt heat creep up my neck.

"A little." I smiled as she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Alex, where're you looking for?"

I shook her hand tryin to call my still crawling nerves.

"Y/n, and Aaron Hotchner's office."

A smile bloomed on her face, as she pointed it out to me. We parted ways, and I carefully climbed up the steps to his office. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was sure he would be able to hear it.

I light knocked on the door, and waited for a quiet 'come in' before I entered. He looked up from his papers, and stood to great me.

"Agent Y/l/n."

I nodded my head wordlessly.

"I'm glad you're joining us, let me introduce you to the team."

He led me right back downstairs, and to a clump of desks. The women I had met earlier sat at one of them taking to a blond lady. Hotchner cleared his throat, catching everyone's attention.

"This is our newest recruit, Agent Y/n Y/l/n."

They all smiled warmly at me.

Hotchner went one by one introducing everyone, until we got to the last one. A young man that had been watching my every move.

"This is Dr. Spencer Reid."

I held my hand out, but he just looked me over. Did I already offend him somehow? Behind me Jennifer- JJ spoke up.

"He doesn't shake hands."

I turned red again, and quickly lowered my hand. "It's nice to meet you."

He hummed a little, and went back to the work he was doing before Hotchner and I came down. He looked at me with a small smile.

"Our tech anaylisist is in her office. Morgan can show you to it if you'd like."

I nodded as he went back to his office. Morgan led offered me a smile before leading away.

"So, how'd you end up here?"

I looked down to my feet, "I honestly have no idea."

He chuckled a little, and I bit my lip before speaking again.

"Does Dr. Reid really not shake hands?"

The man before me nodded, "Something to do with germs. Don't worry about it."

He stopped at a door and his smile grew as he led me in. A women with big blond hair spun in her chair.

"What brings my chocolate thunder to my dungeon?"

Morgan chuckled, and the blonds eyes flipped over to me.

"Oh my," she quickly stood. "You're Y/n?"


"I'm Garcia!" I went to shake her hand, but she pulled me in for a hug.

A small laugh escaped my lips, and she pulled away.

"Oh my goodness, we're getting drinks tonight you have to come with!"

I would agree, but I can't.

"Maybe another night, I'm a little busy moving in to my apartment."

Her smile didn't falter for a second, "If you need any help unpacking I can bring wine!"

"Yeah y/l/n, I'm sure the team would gladly help and I'd be a good way to get to know you."

"No." There was a bite in my tone that made them give me questioning looks. "I just uh, it's a mess. I'd rather have you guys over when it's all done."

The two shared a look before nodding. Morgan and I walked back out and he pointed out where'd I'd be sitting. Hotch left some paperwork for me to fill out, so the transfer would be official. During our lunch break Alex and JJ offered to take me out for the hour we got. I accepted the offer, and Alex drove us to a small cafe that was only a few minutes away.

"So Y/n, tell us about yourself."

The two girls smiled at me while we waited for our food.

"What do you want to know?" I started picking at my nails under the table.

"Anyone special in your life?" JJ asked taking a sip of water.

I chuckled a little, "No. I haven't had a boyfriend in a few years."

Blake's eyes widened, "Years?"

I just nodded. "What about you guys?"

Both they're smiles widened.

"I'm married, his name is Will and we have a little boy."

A larger smile peaked on my face as well now, "How old?"


"I- That's amazing." In a momentary lapse in judgement I started to misspeaks, but luckily caught myself.

I looked over to Alex who then explained her situation. After lunch the day seemed to fly by. Everyone talked to me just about every chance they got, well everyone but Reid. He seemed to want nothing to do with me. Every time I tried to speak to him he walked away, or didn't really try to hold a conversation.

I waved goodbye to everyone and started my way home.

Third Person:

Reid left shortly after Y/n, and soon Morgan, Alex, JJ, and Garcia were at a bar drinking. Alex was the first to speak up about the newest team member.

She took a breath. Before speaking, "Something's up with Y/n."

Garcia looked appalled, "We've only known her a day, how could you say that?"

Morgan spoke up next, "No babygirl, u noticed it too. She refused help unpacking, who likes to unpack alone?"

Blake nodded, "When JJ started talking about Henry at lunch Y/n seemed to light up. She started to say something, but stopped before she could actually say it, and the changed the subject away from kids."

"You think she has a child?" Penelope asked, "She's only like 26."

"I don't know, but something's going on there."

After that the conversation of Y/n was dropped, but it was also now implanted in Garcia's mind.

My first chapter! I hope you enjoyed, if you did I ask that you vote so I know. You will see more Spencer content soon, I promise.


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