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The rest of the week was just paperwork, and going home early. Garcia has invited me for drink again, and I was going to say no when I heard Reid was coming too. He hadn't spoken to me at all, and I wanted to get to know him so I texted Anna and she said she could watch Elli tonight. The bar we went to was a 30 minute drive away from the office. I walked into the warm bar right behind Alex.

The team found a booth in the back, and Morgan went with Reid to get everyone drinks. Morgan was thoroughly upset when I told him I wouldn't drink, but didn't pressure me into anything. Reid handed me my water and sat down across for me.

"So y/n, how was your first week?" Morgan asked with a smile.

Everyone's eyes were on me, and I started to pick at my nails under the table.

"Fine." I forced a smile that they probably knew was fake, but I didn't care at the moment.

Garcia had gotten to the bar later than us, so she only arrived now. Of course when she stumbled over to the table she had shots, and someone following behind her with more.

"Shots for everyone!"

She placed one in front of me, and I was hesitant to take it.

"You don't have to y/n."

My eyes went up to Morgan who was watching me, but I shrugged.

"One shot isn't that bad." I threw it back with a grimace.

As much as I drank in college, everything stilled burned going down. I was only more used to it now, and able to hold back the coughing that normally followed.

I looked up just in time to see Derek patting Reid's back as he chocked after taking his shot.  A small laugh bubbled up my throat at the red faced man in front of me.

Out of the blue Garcia asked me something, "How old are you? I was gonna just work some magic on my computer, but my chocolate thunder thought I should just ask."

I laughed again as I answered, "24."

Her eyes lit up, "You're so young!"

"No wonder you don't have someone serious yet, you're just a baby." I looked over to Alex as she shook her head.

Her comment made me attack my nails more, as I hid them back under that table.

Garcia giddily spoke up again, "You look like you need another shot."

I shook my head, "Oh I can't."

She pouted her lips, "Why not?"

I should've said no, but I was too worried about them liking me.

"Let me make a call really quick, can you get me another few?"

She shot up from her seat, "Few?"

I chuckled shaking my head, "Why not."

I slipped outside to call Anna.

"Is everything alright Miss. Y/l/n?"

"Yeah everything's fine." I shut my eyes, "Listen I might come home a little..."

"Drunk?" She chuckled on the other end, "That's alright, I don't mind watching her later."

I opened my eyes back up when I heard the door to my right open. Reid walked out, obviously looking for me.

"I- I just don't want you to see me like that."

Anna has been so good to me. She's saving up to buy a bookstore, and wasn't able to find a job that payed great without a college education. I pay her by the hour, and extra if she stays the night. She's only been Elli's babysitter for two weeks, but she's already going above and beyond.

"It's ok Miss. Y/l/n, I've seen adults drunk before."

I let out a small sigh, "I know you have sweetheart, and that's why I don't need you to see me."

Reid had heard me, and walked in front of me. I could see him shifting from foot to foot, he was probably forced to come and check on me.

"I promise it's ok, go have fun."

"Thank you so much Anna." I lowered my voice hopping Reid wouldn't be able to hear me, "I'll pay you extra."

She just chuckled, and said goodbye. I hung up, and shoved my phone into my pocket.

"Who was that?" Spencer asked as I leaned against the brick wall behind me.

"No one important." I walked passed him, and back into the bar.

Everyone smiled when they saw me, and I smiled when I saw the five shots lined up for me.

"Jesus, it's been a while."

They all watched with keen eyes as I quickly downed them right after the other. The last one sent me into a coughing fit, but my coworkers seemed impressed.

"You did that so easily..." Garcia's eyes were wide.

"College was not my finest time."

Morgan chuckled, "Underaged drinking really?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "I can only imagine you did it too Derek."

He laughed with me as I sat down. I could feel the alcohol starting to kick in, making me feel fuzzy inside.

I pointed me attention to the reason I came tonight- Spencer Reid.

"So Dr. what's up with you?" I wasn't always a light weight, there was a time when I could still be fine right now..... but that time is no more.

"Hmmm?" He looked up from his barley touched drink.

I leaned back against the booth seat, "I haven't gotten a chance to talk to you."

He just shook his head a little.

"Come on, tell me about yourself. Hobbies? Pets? ....Girlfriends?"

His whole body tensed, and his jaw clenched. I don't know what about girlfriends upset him, but my mind was only getting cloudier.

"Oh sorry, boyfriends? I'm not one to judge."

Morgan chuckled a little, but there was something hidden behind it. Everyone seemed to be waiting for to see what Spencer would say to me.

"No girlfriend, or boyfriend." His tone was cold, "And you don't need to know anything about me."

He got slid out of the booth, and walked towards the bathrooms in the back. I looked at eveyone with wide eyes.

"Did I say something wrong?" My words were starting to slur.

Alex looked at the others before speaking, "It's not our place to tell you anything. I'll just say he's been through a lot lately."

"O-Oh." Suddenly my throat seemed to tighten, and saliva filled my mouth. "Shit."

I booked it to the bathroom, barley making it on time. I fell to the floor, hitting my knees hard on tile. I did my best to keep my hair out of my face, but it was a lost cause on my own. I emptied the contents of my stomach twice before the stall door behind me opened.

"Are you ok?" JJ asked while brushing hair out if my face.

Before I could respond I was leaning back over the toilet, and JJ held my hair in a makeshift ponytail. She rubbed my back sweetly, and once I had finished she helped me out of the bathroom.

"I'll take you home."

"N-no JJ you don't have-"

She cut me off as we walked by out booth- her waving at the team, "I know, but I want to."

I told her my address as we got in her car, and before she started driving she pulled her phone out to make a call.

"Hey Will, I don't think I'm gonna make it home tonight.... Yeah everything's fine, I just need to take y/n home and I don't want her drunk and alone with her daughter.... Love you."

She hung up, and pushed the gas petal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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