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In the morning I threw on a long sleeve button down, and tucked it into some black dress pants. The drive to work was less nerve wracking, and so was walking into the building. I decided to stop and get coffee for everyone as a thank you for such a warm welcome. Morgan had given me his number so I had him tell me how everyone likes their coffee. I walked into the building holding two cup trays of coffee.

Morgan smiled brightly when he saw me, and immediately got up to help me.

"Good morning."

"Morning." I set one of the tray on my desk and handed him his coffee, "Thank you for the help by the way."

He took the cup happily, "Thank you for the coffee."

I brought everyone their cups, and they all thanked me. When I got to Reid he barley looked up at me.

"I got you coffee."

He glanced up from his book, but looked right back down at it. "I don't want it."


"Oh, ok." I chewed on my lower lip for a moment, before brining Penelope her tea.

When I got back to my desk Hotch walked over to us with a grim look.

"There's been a mass sniper shooting in Dallas. We're leaving now."

Hotch went over the little that we know so far after we got in the jet. Once we had been in the air for a few minutes I went into the small bathroom to make a call.

"Hey, I'm sorry to do this on such short notice but I won't be home tonight." I ran a hand through my hair.

"That's ok!" The women in the other end spoke up.

"And I don't know when I'm getting back. There's food in the fridge, and if you need anything else use the card I gave you."

"Of course Miss. Y/l/n, be safe."

I hung up the phone, and walked back to my seat. Morgan's eyes were on me the entire time, and even moved to sit next to me.

"Everything alright?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, just needed to make a phone call."

He looked me over warily, but didn't push.


As far as first cases go, this one was interesting. Hotch ended up getting the sniper before he could get his target, and we went home the next day. On the jet ride back, JJ sat next to me and I could tell she wanted to ask something. After a few seconds of her deep sighs, and lip bitting I spoke up for her.

"What did you want to ask JJ?"

She gave me a thankful smile, and turned her body to me for a more intimate conversation.

"Do you have a kid?"

"I- uh, what?"

My eyes shot around the jet to see only Hotch was awake.

Jennifer chuckled a little, "Y/n I have a kid, I know what it looks like for someone else who has one too."

I started picking at my nails, "I have a daughter."

"How old is she?"


She hesitated a moment before asking the next question, "And her father?"

"Not in the picture."

She nodded her head, opting not to say anything.

The rest of the ride was silent, and I even dozed off for a little bit. I didn't take any time saying goodbye before I sped off home to see my little girl. I got home right after she went to bed, and payed my babysitter Anna. I quietly slipped into her room.

The walls are a light pink that's almost white. Her bed covers were lightning McQueen, and she always sleeps with a small yellow duck stuffed animal.

"Momma?" The little girl sat up rubbing her eyes.

I sat on the edge of her bed, "Hey baby, I just wanting to say hi."

She reached her hands up indicating she wanted a hug, and or cuddles. I pulled her out of her sheets, and held her close.

"I love you sweet pea." I kissed the top of her, and tucked her back in. "Get some sleep ok."

"Night night." She called out as I walked to the door

"Night night."

I shut the door, and walked over to my room. I stripped off my clothes, and started a hot shower. I allowed the scolding water cascade down my body. Today was a good day. I felt useful during the case, and even got to see Elli before she went to sleep. I scrubbed my body, and hair until the steam filled up the room making it slightly harder to breath. I took that as a sign to get out of the shower, and get into p.js.

I slipped under my covers, and fell into a light sleep like always. My blaring alarm woke up, forcing me to get out of bed. I pulled on a pencil skirt, and button down before going to wake Elli up. I knocked on her door before slowly pushing it open.

"Sweet pea, it's time to get up."

A small high pitch whine came from under a bundle of sheets. I small laugh escaped as I walked over to her bed and pulled she covers off her.

"Come on Ell, momma needs to get to work."

She lazily opened her eyes with a frown.

"Annas gonna be here any minute to take you to school."

"I don't wanna go!" Her words were muffled as she shoved her head into her pillows.

The doorbell rang and I let out a frustrated huff.

"I guess we're going to do this the hard way then." I picked her up, and threw her over my shoulder.

She started giggling as I walked to the door with her. I opened it, and Anna smiled at the sight of my child hanging over my shoulder laughing.

"I'm sorry about this, someone wouldn't get up."

Anna just held her smile as she stepped inside, "It's no problem, I can get her ready. I know you need to get to work."

I gave her a thankful smile, "What would I do without you Anna."

I pulled my daughter down from my shoulder, and have her a hug before heading out.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I got the wonderful idea for the kids name from a discord server I'm part of.


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