Untitled Part 2

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 My face flushes and I nod. Oh yes, I am most definitely having fun. We stay like that longer than necessary. He releases me and he goes back into stern teacher mode. Perfecting me swing, yeah right, that is totally what I am thinking about. I a again.m horrendous at golf and I see him holding back laughter as I chunk the ball =, yet. It is slightly infuriating. I take a deep breath and try to reign control over my emotions. He is behind me again, putting his hands on my hips. 

"Are you done for the day Sang?"

"Yes?" What? He just called me Sang. He doesn't call me by my first name. He doesn't call anyone by their first name.

"Do I need to remind you that I am only three years older than you?" I look up at him in amazement as he picks up the clubs and we start on our way to the car. He is perfection. We get into the car and I ask him a question.

"So... what is the plan for the day?" He flashes a small smile at me, just a millimeter.

"Well last time I checked we were having a sleepover at Mr. Lee's house." I was aware of the sleepover, but he is coming?

"Yes, Sean and I will be there," I have to think for a second before I make the connection. Sean, Dr. Green. He smirks at my realization

"By the way Sean is only nineteen too." I giggle.

"Yes I am aware of that fact." What is going on? Why is Mr. Blackbourne acting like this? It is so out of character for him.

"Sang, I can see your every thought by the way." I blush crimson.

"Sorry," I mutter.

"No need, it's endearing." That just makes me blush more as we pull into Kota's drive. Before I even get my seatbelt off he is opening my door.

"Thank you."

"My pleasure." he place his hand on the crook of my arm and guides me into the house. Gabriel is standing just inside the door with a set of clothes.

"Trouble, go put this on, it'll be more comfortable." I smirk at him and head up the stairs.

Mr. Blackbourne's POV

"So is she ready," Mr. Coleman says as soon as she is out of sight.

"I believe so." She still seems a bit uncomfortable around me, but she didn't push me away, and she definitely seemed to enjoy it. I think she is ready for the rest of the team to start making romantic advances towards her. We need to see if she loves us all and that date made me fairly certain. Mr. Coleman's face broke out in a smile.

"Come on, we have a bit of time, come tell us about your date." We walk into the kitchen and my brothers fall silent.

"I believe she is ready for us to make romantic advances toward her. Do not overwhelm her. And absolutely no sexual relations until further notice. She is not ready for that."

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