Dirt and stomps

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Link was done with Robert's monologue, "Do me a favor and shut up, will you?"

Robert shook his head in frustration, "You'll end up marrying her and I'll be there to tell you 'I told you so'."

They were nearing the end of the cave, and there was no sign of anything but babas and keese, Robert had kept on insisting that Zelda was practically waiting for Link to make a move, and Link was growing more and more frustrated by the minute. "Robert, for the hundredth time, Princess Zelda is a nice-"

"You do know she's called 'Ice Princess' for a reason, right?"

"Well, maybe I invite people to talk to me. You tried to kill me like a week ago and by now I know all your sappy backstory."

Robert put a hand to his chest, mock shock on his face, "Well," well, what? It was true. Blondie had a way with people, "Well, it doesn't change the fact that I can feel it."

Link squinted his eyes, tried to discern enemies in the dark, "It?" Robert had the gall to clean his throat, "Oh, for the love of Hylia, Robert-"

Robert curled his tongue, enjoyed Link's discomfort and said, "Love, buddy, lo-"

A metallic sound, impossible to be natural, echoed throughout the walls that surrounded Link and Robert.

A second, and Robert found his voice, "Did you-"

Link shushed Robert, "Yeah, I heard it, too. Lower the lantern's light, keep quiet and follow me."

Robert's hand trembled, the sound had been faint, but it had been from a sword. No doubt. A sword, for Hylia's sake.

Link waited for Robert to catch up, "Hey, just stay behind me and I'll take care of it."

Robert nodded, then grabbed Link, "You get stabbed and I'll run away, I swear."

Link smirked, "Sure, as fast as you can."

Link advanced, sword and shield in hand. Robert was silent - Link was not thanking the monster in his head - and Link could feel excitement run through his body.

"You're smirking, you sick bastard."

Link got close to Robert, "Maybe I'm happy not everyone back in the castle is a liar."

Robert nodded. Point taken. "Well, let's see your magic."

A three-minute walk away and Link could start to smell and see the streaks of smoke in the rooftop.

"Do they have a fucking fire going on?"

"You can make fires inside caves if you keep them small enough."

Robert hummed a worry-filled agreement.

Link repeated, "Yeah, they are dangerous, which is why you gotta keep them small."

"Okay," Robert was not convinced. "Why didn't we make a fire, then?" Robert had been cold.

"Because they're a hassle and we had a lantern."

"I was cold."

"Sorry?" Link then shook his head, "You should've told me."

Robert remembered the way Link had given an edge to his words, the way Link had looked dangerous with closed eyes, "Yeah, well, you were pretty pissed."

Link was starting to hear a distinct murmur getting closer, and he remembered their conversation, "Ah, right. You were spying on me."

"I mean," Robert made a shrug that Link couldn't see, "Everyone is."

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