The link that can't be broken II

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William tried to see into the plaza before Ashei even turned the corner.

Silence greeted them. And before William could understand what happened, he saw a couple of unmoving soldiers who covered their mouths in shock. He got off the horse but Ashei remained on top of the animal, maybe she sensed something before him. William's feet moved to where Link was, he was hugging Zelda. It looked innocent enough, it looked beautiful enough. Link and Zelda remained still in the center of the plaza, with traces of golden magic surrounding them. At the back of his mind something started to wake, but William supressed it. Zelda's feet weren't holding her weight. Link was whispering to Zelda's ear in a broken voice.

And William stopped walking. His voice came out weak, still holding onto the slimmer of hope he couldn't let go, "Link?"

It was as if Link woke up from a trance. The sword lay at his feet, but he didn't even bother with it. His face was smeared in dirt and tears and William didn't dare utter his name again. Link moved Zelda's body with care, he brought her legs to his right side and supported her head on his left shoulder. She didn't move a muscle, but she was breathing.

When Link started walking towards the Castle, William remained by his side. No one said anything. Ashei got off of her horse and walked behind them, Epona in tow.

Link never faltered, but the silence unnerved him.


Link was not getting enough sleep.

"The doctor said she was all right, yeah?" Link was sitting in the corridor outside of Zelda's room, surrounded by Shad and Robert. William looked at the group from a couple of steps away. "Her body is fine, it's just a matter of time before she wakes up."

Link was not listening to her. As soon as the door opened to let the doctor out, Link stood.

"May I see her again?" he asked to no one in particular, but it was Kafei who stood next to the door who signaled for him to go in.

Dotour whispered with the doctor down the corridor and a maid whimpered nearby.

William shadowed Link and Robert kept his head low as he entered behind the group.

Leela was rearranging the bed clothing on Zelda, her eyes where bloodshot and she only dipped her head once as a greeting.

Link stood beside Zelda's bed, looked at her once, he sat on her bed and grabbed the hand the doctor had probably used to check her pulse. Link's intimacy with the Princess of Hyrule made everyone want to look away. And when Link brought Zelda's hand to his mouth, everyone averted their eyes but William.

Link let Zelda's hand down with care and then stood, he walked to the window in the room and looked to the sky. His body seemed to tense and grow as he breathed in.

"She's gonna be fine," Link said as he turned. William would have let him go if Link's body language wouldn't have screamed mission.

Link looked at Leela in the eyes, "She'll be fine, but I need you to take care of her for a while."

The moment Link left the room Leela was left alone with Her Highness. "Of course you will be all right, isn't it so, Your Highness? We will take care of you until you wake up."


William was sure Link didn't even notice the little entourage that followed him. Kafei jogged to catch them, while the other Council members looked tired or disapproving.

"What's going on?" asked Kafei.

"I don't know."

They passed Dotour and the doctor, "Tell Link to stay put, the doctor said-"

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