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I wake up to sunshine coming through the broken window and birds singing, and I almost forget how bad things are. Then I try to move, and I feel the soreness and pain in my arm.

I grimace and sit up. Grayson is still beside me sprawled out on his stomach, his head in his arms.

Kate is nowhere to be found and neither is Jax, so I assume they're together. Wyatt is awake sitting on the couch and Aspen is quietly talking to him. I rub the sleep from my eyes, today is going to be the day we get home. It has to be.

I'm about to get up when I feel a poking in my side. I look down to see Grayson staring up at me.

"Morning," he says.

"Morning." I reply as I poke him back. "Wake up, wake up, wake up, we should leave soon."

"Mmmhm, five more minutes? Maybe 10?" He says. I roll my eyes and get up.

I quickly change into new clothes and brush my teeth in the apartment bathroom. As I'm walking back to the main area I see Jax and Kate outside through the window. They're playing tic tac toe on the sidewalk with chalk. Where in the world did they find chalk? I smile to myself.

I turn around and run right into Grayson. His hair is messy and his clothes are rumpled, and he looks good. I blush and look at my shoes.

"Am I that repulsive in the morning?" he asks. I look back up at him.

"Oh yea, disgusting." I answer with a grin. He notices Jax and Kate through the window, and turns to stand beside me.

"Look at our besties," Grayson says.

"Two peas in a pod." I add. I look up at Grayson, finding him already staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask. He hesitates, then drags a thumb under my eye.

"Eyelash." he says, holding it in front of me. "Make a wish,"

I look at him, then the eyelash. Not that I believe in stuff like this, but it can't hurt anything. I take the eyelash and put it on the back of my hand. I close my eyes and make a wish. I open my eyes when I feel a breeze from the broken window, moving the eyelash.

"Well that's gotta be luck, right?" Grayson says as he walks backwards to the bathroom. I smile at him,

"Let's hope so." I say when he's out of earshot.

I walk back into the living room to check on Aspen and Wyatt.

"Hey guys,"

"Morning," Aspen says. Wyatt just smiles.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, coming to stand beside Wyatt.

"Erm, better but you know, not the best." He says. I look at Aspen who slightly shakes her head. I must look how I feel because Wyatt adds, "I can walk though, so we should be able to keep moving today."

"Good. Okay. I think we're about to leave soon." I say. He nods and I tell them I'm going to find Jax and Kate. With my knife still in my sleeve, I walk down the stairs and through the lobby doors.

I head over to where Jax and Kate have moved on from tic tac toe and are coloring, getting chalk all over their clothes.

"Hey," I say as I approach them.

"Hi! You're awake! Wanna color?" Kate says.

"No thanks, but I'll sit." I answer, sitting down beside them.

"Good morning," Jax adds.

"Morning. How long have y'all been awake?" I ask.

"A couple hours," Jax says. "but we've only been out here for about one."

"Mm fun." I say.

"We did pass you and Gray snuggled up together on the way out here, so don't try to hide it." Jax says with a sly grin.

"What? I wasn't snuggling with Grayson?"

"You sure were sweetie," Jax bops my nose.

"Was not! I think I would remember that."

"Well you were asleep, so.." Jax says, giving me a look. I roll my eyes, unsure if he's lying or not. Did we? Surely I would remember.

"Whatcha drawing?" I ask Kate, changing the subject.

"A sunset!" She answers, pointing to the blob of scribbles and mixed colors on the pavement.

"Ahh, very pretty." I say. We sit there until Aspen comes out and tells us everyone is ready. I help Kate pick up her chalk and put it back into the beach pail she found it in. We're head over to the front door and right as I open it Kate says,

"You definitely were snuggling." with giggle. I give an exasperated sigh and walk up the stairs.

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