Hiraeth - chapter. 6

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"ALLIE" I shout, stepping over to her.

"Alice Rose!" Hermione shouts, rushing over with the boys behind her.

I feel for a pulse and it's strong so she isn't dead.


"But it wasn't-"

"Yes it was, every time something like this happens it brings her trauma to the surface. She just can't handle it" I interrupt.

George picks her up and sets her down on the couch.

"You need to take your dumbass twin and fix him, something is wrong with him" I whisper to George and glance at Fred. He's looking at Allie with a look of guilt and regret, also anger.

George sighs and nods, yanking his twin up to their dorm.

The trio stand there, dumbfounded.

"Uhm, Gia, can I talk to you?" Harry says awkwardly.

"Yeah sure, Hermione can you watch Allie?"

"Of course" she smiles.

I nod and walk out of the common room with Harry.

"Well first off, the first practice for the DA will be at the room of requirement tomorrow, I will come and get you and Alice Rose"


"Second... would you uhm... go to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?" He asks nervously.

I smile and I can feel a light blush creep onto my cheeks.

"Well sure" I nod.

"Brilliant!" He smiles.

I glance at the steps,

"I ought to get back to Allie, ya know" I say and he shakes his head, following me.

I drag my hand over the railing as I walk down the steps and glance over to see Allie awake and emotionless.

"Oh shit- Allie" I say, running down the steps.

I rush over to her and bring her into an embrace, to which she doesn't return.

I sigh and pull away.

"George," he looks over at me.

"Watch her and don't let her leave, I'm going to get someone" I say, running out and away.

I run all throughout the halls, watching the curious students watch me as I look a mess.

I come to the portrait of an old man.

"Password" he says smugly.

"Pureblood" I say, rolling my eyes.

The door swings open and I rush in. I'm met with disgusted and confused faces of familiar Slytherins.

I skim around the common room until my eyes land on a certain blonde.

"Draco!" I shout and he glances up at me. His brows furrow and he opens his mouth to say something.

"JUST SHUT UP," I storm over to him.

"It's Allli-" I say lowly, but before I can finish he's up and out of the common room, me following closely behind him.

"Jesus fucking Christ! Slow down so I can tell you!" I yell and his pace slows a little bit.

"So uh... her and Fred were having a heated argument-"

"What'd he do"

"SHHH stop interrupting me!"

He nods his head.

One Sickle; A Harry Potter love story Where stories live. Discover now