Kalon - ch. 7

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I sit in the classroom, looking all around me so I can memorize escape routes. A door all the way in the back catches my eye and I look to where the small opening at the bottom is, only to see a green glow flash and go away. I quickly avert my gaze back to infront of me when I hear Umbitch clear her throat. I don't hate anybody. Not even LoRd VoLdEmOrT. But I fucking hate this pink bitch.

"You will write 500 lines" her annoyingly high pitched voice says.

"What do I write" I mumble, internally rolling my eyes"

She perks up and I see a look flash through her eyes. Excitement?

"'I shall not speak when not spoken too', but also write 'I shall not believe lies'" she giggles.

I sigh and start writing.

Every letter makes a sting in my hand get worse and worse. My eyes well up in tears by 200 and I throw the quill down, looking at my now bleeding hand.

"I shall not speak when when not spoken too" is engraved on my hand a total of 10 times.

"I shall not believe lies" written 10 times beneath it.

I let a tear slip my eye and she stifles a laugh, dismissing me. I rush out of the classroom and run to DA.


I look over to the door which swings open revealing a crying Alice. I rush over to her with furrowed brows.

"I- I-" she stutters as she lifts up her hand. Blood goes pouring from her hand.

"Did that pink bitch do this?!" I shout and she hesitantly nods her head.

The twins and Harry rush over.

"That's way worse than when George and I got ours, we only one one sentence" Fred says.

"Mine was only once but.. yours" Harry says in disbelief.

Allie let's out a gut wrenching scream and falls to her knees as another line starts to write. I fall with her and cradle her as I start to wrap her hand in my robe. The twins kneel beside her and each have one of their hands on both of her knees. Harry looks at us concerned.

"I'll take her to the-" I start to say, until I feel Allie goes limp. I gasp and my vision goes blurry.

Suddenly I open my eyes and I'm in an open field of... rose bushes?

"What the hell?" I say aloud. Suddenly a rustle comes from my far left and I snap my head over to look. A dark figure appears and draws their wand. I reach for mine but it's not there and I start to panic.

"Avada Ke-"

Suddenly my eyes shoot open and I see I'm in the hospital bed. Allie is standing to my left, the twins next to her. Harry is to my right, holding my hand. I examine my surroundings, a desk in the far corner of the room with madam pomfrey sitting behind it, messing around with some potions. The curtains to some dividers drawn for privacy.


"You had vision" Allie and Harry say simultaneously. They scowl at each other. Wait. Why are they scowling at each other?

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