Chapter 30- Bentley's POV

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Part IV

A New Empire

I hold Veronica's limp body in my hands. Blood is everywhere. I recall Veronica's and I's last meeting. We need to draw him out. My hands shake and tears fall down my face.

"Someone get Rein!" I scream.

I take off my shirt over my head and press it against her stomach. The shirt pools up with the red-hot liquid. Rein comes running out the doors and kneels down next to me.

I watch as Rein rushes down the other hallway with Veronica's limp body in a cot. I rushed down the hallway and into the medical room that they took her in.

"Prepare for surgery. Bentley I need you to get out while we operate," Rein's assistant says.

"I want to say something to her," I say.

"Yes sir," She says, obviously intimidated by me.

I take a seat next to Veronica's cot. She is laying there with an anesthesia mask, keeping her from waking up. I clench and unclench my fists as I stare at her heart rate monitor.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me. Don't break that promise now," I mutter into her ear. I kiss her on her forehead and walk out of the room.

We need to build a new Democracy. Democracy has failed us in the past so we need to start new and fresh, and structure it very carefully.

There will be no need to have a jury, we have a lie detector test and crime visualizers. Our citizens will vote for the new President and we will make and enforce the laws of the people.

I stand outside the operating room as Veronica's body is being cut open and stitched back together. Bile rises in my throat and I try to compose myself. We will bring back the constitution and the Bill Of Rights. That kept us in line. We will not use social classes like we have been. Everyone is equal. The laws of the poor are gone and they can now get jobs.

I watch as the Operating sign clicks off. It has been hours. I whip the bead of sweat off of my forehead. I watch as the door opens and I jump up, in anticipation of good news. Rein walks out with a glum look on her face. My heart sinks down to hell.

"I am so sorry. The bullet he used was created to kill your kind," I watch as a tear falls down her face.

My heart stops. My breath quickens, trying to get more oxygen. My legs feel like jello and tears well up in my eyes. He is watching. I need to keep the act going.

I see Rein wink at me and glance at a corner in the room. I keep my eyes trained on the wall and let out my acting skills. A tear falls down my face and I walk into the room.

This seems confusing. Veronica is actually not dead. We have been planning this. She was actually wearing bullet armor and under her shirt was a pack of fake blood. He hit right where we expected him too. We knew there was a traitor in our midst and this is how we expose a traitor.

She lays there. Her skin is pale and next to her are bloody tools. I grabbed her warm hand. I know that she is just asleep due to the anesthesia.

"Come back," I whisper, more tears spill down my face. "Come back!"

My body shakes and I let out a fake sob.

"Oh poor you," A rich British accent flows through the room. "Now you know how it feels."

I turn around and see him step out of the darkness. Hutch. He puts a knife to my throat and I smirk to myself.

"You can't kill me that easily. I know all of the secrets about your kind."

I am about to lash out as a stunning realization hits, this war hasn't been about two different sides it's been about the different people.

"I have a whole rebel army stationed outside to kill your new people if you don't stand down." Hutch says, staring at my clenched hands.

"They are probably dead by now." I mutter. "I knew that someone was going. I saw. You have failed Hutch."

Soldiers rush into the room with their guns up. I stood up and removed Hutch's knife from his grasp. He stares out in astonishment and agony.

"Send him to the precinct, the tests will decide what to do with him. Courtesy of the New Empire." I say to the soldiers.

I take the anesthesia mask off of Veronica's face and sooner or later her eyes flutter open.

"Did we catch him?" She immediately asks.

I intertwine my fingers with hers and bring my lips down to hers. "Of course."

She sits up in her cot and looks around the room. "It is time to start fresh."

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