Trailing Eye's

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This is just a song I've been listioning to and have a chapter idea in the futer for.

It seemed no matter how far or fast Dmaian drove I was being watched. I tried to say it was just paranoia and lack of sleel I'd been getting. But something in the back of my mind kept telling me it was something else.

As we pulled up to a stop light I quickly glanced in the rear view mirror. To be greated with a normal looking whote van.

There weren't many other cars on the road at this time, due to it be almost 1 in the morning in Gotham.

Finally after what must have been a whole year the light turned gree and we continued.

But I just had to accifently say,

"Mind if we start taking random turns so we can get away from the guy's behind I us, I just feel creeped out by it"

"Sure" he replyed

Not a sentece, no comforting words, short and simple. One word answer.

I know if I asked for some comfort he would give me some, but currently I wanted to be anywhere but here.

As we took random turns my mind began to wander to a place I would rather be.

A nice big living room, some rech couches, a grand fire place. Massive book cases with those cool slidding ladders.

I'd probbly find some way to brake it though, it would be without out a doubt a dum way to.

I giggled aloud at this thought.

"What's so funny Beloved?"

"Nothing, keep ypur eye's and mind on the road so I don't die tonight dearest."

Hope you liked the chapter!

Hey guy's I'm back! Thank you for just over 80 Reads and the 3 votes! It means alot to me, even if I don't publish as much as I would like. Sorry if this chapter sounded cheesey, but like I said I'm running out of idea's, so any idea's would be greatly appreciated, and don't forget to comment and vote!

   Thank You!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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