Where did it all go wrong?

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Remus, 3rd year

"Merlin, you're such a bitch."

Remus listened from the other side of the thin walls of their small house. His parents were fighting again. He sat on the floor, with his knees pulled up and his arms around them.

"Really? Really Lyall?" He heard his mother scoff. "Don't call me that! You shouldn't call anyone that. Much less your wife."

"It's not like you act like one."

"Oh really? I'm the one playing the role of a significant other wrong? Have you seen yourself?"

"Oh don't try to put this on me, Hope! I don't see you cleaning anything! I haven't seen you clean anything for so long I don't know why I even keep you here!"

"Is that what I'm here for?" Hope was close to screaming. "I'm your wife, so I have to clean the house and wash the dishes and mend your clothes and all that bullshit? I know you don't really think that. You're just angry."

"You're a horrible wife, you're a horrible mother, a horrible person, really!" His voice slurred, and he waved her off like she was nothing.

His mother gave an unbelieving huff. 

"You're in everyone's way. Look, you're in my way now! You're in Remus' way." Lyall was loud.

Remus hated how his father spoke of him. Like they were the same.

"He doesn't want you, and he doesn't need you, Hope. Stop treating him like a child!"

Maybe they were the same.

"He is a child, you monster!" His mother's voice was frantic. He wondered what his father was doing to make her sound so scared.

"Oh, no, Hope. You're raising the monster." Remus flinched at his father's words.

And then Remus heard something crash. He flinched and covered his head.

Nothing big must have happened because no one screamed and it was quiet afterward. He thought the fight was over. 

And then his mother mumbled something. Remus didn't hear it. But his father got angry. 

"You? You married me because you had no other choice. You were alone, you were pregnant, you were scared. Look at everything I've given you! I saved you," Lyall's voice shook as he spoke. "You would be nothing without me."

Remus heard his mother grunt, possibly trying to get away from his father's grip. 

Tears slipped down Remus' face.

He wondered where everything when so, so wrong.

A/N: tell me what u think ?

Also, ik this had nothing to do with wolfstar but I wanted to include it. If I ever write a full story about them, maybe something like this will be in it.

Anyways, bye, love u <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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