Thinking Ahead

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Warnings: None:) cute love chapter
Word Count: 1,417
Aurora's POV
I had just showered earlier in the morning and now I'm covered in Draco's cum. He tossed me a hand towelette that was on the blanket. I wiped the thick white substance off of my body to the best I could. I grabbed a water bottle and poured a bit of water on a dry spot of the towel. I then continued to wipe my body off. I slipped my dress back on and when I looked up Draco was already dressed back into his perfect suit smirking at me. He cleaned up the astronomy tower and tossed the hand towelette in the garbage.
"You said this was only the beginning, what does that mean?"
"It means you will have to wait and find out what I have in store for you."
I was suspicious of him, of course. But I carried on anyway. He took my hand and let me down the stairs of the astronomy tower and took me to his dorm. Inside was balloons and flowers everywhere. With some gifts set out on his bed.
"I wasn't going to get you any more presents than the one I already had, but I did some last minute shopping anyway."
"You whore, I didn't want any gifts."
"Open them."
I sat on the edge of his bed and grabbed a box wrapped in gold wrapping paper. I tore it open and lifted the lid of the box. Inside was a green Quidditch Jersey that said "Malfoy's Wife" on the back with the number 7, his number.
"You know I'm not your wife, right?"
"Yea, I know, love."
He smiled at me with the sarcastic grin and I thanked him. I grabbed the next gift which was a gold bag. I pulled the tissue paper out and inside a beautiful set of diamond earrings. I've really needed new earrings so I was quite excited. I turned to him and smiled with a faint blush. I grabbed the last gift off of his silk sheets and it was another box with gold wrapping. I tore the paper and opened the lid and there was a lace bra and panties set in the color hot pink inside along with a short note that read
"For you to wear one night, a night that I plan to absolutely destroy these."
How inappropriate.
"Draco. You really are naughty aren't you?"
"When it comes to you, why yes, yes I am."
I stood up and hugged him.
"Thank you, Dray. You really do mean a lot to me."
"You mean a lot to me too."
It was 11:00 A.M now.
He walked to his closet and grabbed a board game. It was chess. A game I was never really any good at. He laid the board down on his bed and asked if I cared to play a game.
"You know I've never really been good at this game."
"I was never any good either until I played a game with my father last year and fell in love with it. I played him a lot that summer. Then we stopped. I love the aspects of the game. The delicate moves you have to make to win. And the thinking ahead to know your next move. It really is a beautiful game if you know how to play."
We both laughed at my remark and we played a game of chess. I lost, of course. I never understood the aspects of the game. I never understand taking time to think of my next move because how could I ever know what the other player is going to do next? It felt impossible to me. But it seems like Draco knows everything he plans to do.
My owl flew through the window of Draco's room and dropped me off a letter. It was from my mother and father.
"Happy Birthday, sweetheart. We do miss you. We wish you have a good day.
Love, Mom & Dad"
Nice gesture, I guess. Draco leaned forward and kissed my lips softly. He pulled away and I looked into his eyes with a kind glare. I turned to the clock. 12:42 P.M.
"Well, it seems like the day is going by slow, hm?"
"Yea, I'm just excited for dinner. I can't wait to give you your last present."

Time Skip
It was 6:00 P.M. I had received all my birthday wishes from friends and professors. It was now time for dinner with Draco. He took me to a steakhouse. It looked very expensive. Not surprising, knowing Draco. We sat at a very private table. It was nice. He had a wooden box in his hand. It was obviously my last gift.
"So, what do you want to eat, my love?"
"Well, I- I don't know I've never been here."
"The food is amazing."
I glanced at the menu and saw the cheapest entree on the menu was not very cheap at all.
"I'll just get the sirloin."
"What? Nonsense. That is the cheapest item on the menu. What don't you get a filet mignon or even a new york strip?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
I ordered the filet mignon medium well with a loaded baked potato and a side salad. Draco ordered the ribeye well done with mashed potatoes and a side salad. Needless to say the bill was going to be very expensive. I had a lemonade to drink and he had a diet Coke. Interesting choice from Malfoy.
"How has your birthday been so far?"
"The best birthday I've ever had in my life."
I smiled when I said it. The food came out after about 20 minutes and we just chatted about life in the mean time. It was honestly the best steak I have ever had in my life. It was garlicky and tender and tasted amazing.
"How was the food, darling?"
"It was great. Do you usually eat like this?"
He winked at me when he said it.
"So, when do I get to open that pretty box?"
Draco payed the bill and wouldn't tell me how much it was. He tipped the server and both of us went to the bathroom to freshen up. I used a toothpick and mouthwash and sprayed some perfume. I walked out the bathroom and Draco was already waiting. I kissed him and could tell he did the same thing as I did. When we walked out of the restaurant a limo was there waiting to pick us up.
"You are so extra, Malfoy."
"Back to last names?"
I laughed. I got in the limo after Draco opened the door for me and sat down. It was so beautiful. There was star lights on the roof and the seats were so comfortable. He leaned over to me and kissed my cheek. Then he leaned up and whispered in my ear.
"I want to fuck you so hard I think my cock is going to explode."
Instantly I blushed. I scooted over a bit so that I was sitting on his lap. I started to grind on him a bit but quickly got off and pretended as nothing happened. He grabbed my thigh hard before the driver opened the window and informed us that we were here.
We got out of the limo and we walked over a wooden bridge into a beautifully lit up garden with a pond full of fish. It was so stunningly natural I wanted to cry.
"I know you have a mother nature heart, so I thought this was fitting."
"You are so thoughtful, Dray."
He handed me the wooden box and told me to sit on the bench behind us. I did as he said and looked at him. He nodded at me, giving the approval to open the box. Inside was galleons, makeup, another lace set, candy, and a note. I read the note and teared up a bit. He told me not to cry because I looked to beautiful to ever be sad.
"Happy tears."
He came up next to me and got on one knee. My eyes instantly grew big. A small velvet box he pulled out of his pocket was now in front of me. The box opened fast to show a gorgeous diamond ring on a silver band.
"Aurora, will you make me the luckiest man in the world and marry me?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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