Potions Class

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  Word count: 1,040
  Warnings: slight smut
  The train ride was quiet since Aurora asked her question about Draco to Iris. Upon arrival at Hogwarts, Aurora immediately noticed how beautiful the school campus was and she became even more excited to be attending now. In the dining hall, after the first years were placed in their houses, Dumbledore made a special announcement for Aurora. He stated, "Today we have a very special transfer student, Aurora Sallow." Aurora stood up nervously and walked towards Dumbledore and sat in the big wooden chair. Dumbledore placed the sorting hat on Aurora's head... "SLYTHERIN!" Aurora smiled and proceeded to sit at the Slytherin table, across from Draco Malfoy.

"Not surprised, Aurora?" Draco said. "Well, I'm just excited I got placed in a house with someone I already know." said Aurora. They began to eat the wonderful feast that was prepared for them. Aurora chatted with Draco, Elijah, and Blaze for a while. She turned around to see if she could find Iris in the Ravenclaw section and Iris was looking at Aurora in a disappointed manor. Aurora assumed it was because she was talking to Draco.

It was time to head to the common rooms and find their sleeping arrangements, Aurora was pleased when Draco walked with her towards the Slytherin common room. They didn't speak much on their way, but Aurora noticed his large hands with silver rings. There were a variety of rings on his fingers, snakes, green diamonds, and plain silver bands. Aurora's mind drifted off and she was thinking about his large hands around her neck as he demanded commands at her. She could feel herself growing wetter as they walked. Her face turned a bright red as Draco said, "Are you okay? You look flustered." "I- I- um, I'm okay, really!" Aurora stated. Draco looked confused, but they made it to the common room and Aurora quickly went to her bedroom.

  The next morning, Aurora woke up and got ready for her first day at Hogwarts. She wore her black, curly hair split down the middle with a green diamond clip on one side, and a black tennis skirt with a Slytherin crewneck. She also had on a gold necklace with a diamond heart charm. She wanted to make sure she payed attention to detail in her outfit for Draco to notice. Her first class was potions with Professor Snape. To her surprise, Draco Malfoy was in that class as well. But, Iris was as well. She sat beside him and didn't say anything. He smirked and Snape began the class. Iris was a little shocked when Aurora didn't sit next to her.

  Aurora looked over at Draco and examined his outfit. He had on a black suit, with the same silver rings. Aurora was looking over his body and noticed a slight bulge in his pants and her heart skipped a beat. Draco noticed she was distracted and put his hand on her thigh and whispered, "It's okay, Aurora, you don't have to be nervous, Hogwarts isn't absolutely terrible." She was so focused on the cold rings touching her lower thigh that she hadn't even bothered to listen to what Draco was saying. Draco moved his hand up slowly until he reached her upper-middle thigh and Aurora jumped, causing her knee to hit the table. Snape looked up and said, "Is everything okay, Miss Sallow?" "Yes, Professor, I'm sorry." Aurora said swiftly. Draco smirked and continued to move his hand up until he was just barely touching her clit through her panties. Aurora grew bright red and tried to hide her face in the sleeves of her crewneck. Iris noticed what Draco was doing and grew upset. Draco circled his finger around her clit, barely touching Aurora. Aurora made a slight moan and Snape snapped his head up, "Miss Sallow, there is no need for you to disrupt my class so much, especially on the first day, detention in my classroom after class." Draco let out a laugh, which only made Snape angrier causing him to say, "You can now join her, Mister Malfoy, would anybody else like to join them?" The class was silent. Aurora looked upset, but Draco was smirking. It seemed like he wanted this to happen.

  Once class was over, Iris came up to Aurora and said, "Why are you still talking to him? I told you he was bad and to stay away from him!" Draco turned around, "Ah, Iris, I see you've met Aurora, isn't she... great?" Iris' face grew red with rage and opened her mouth, but Draco then said, "Aurora, this is Iris, my ex best friend." Aurora was shocked, but moments later Snape ordered Iris to leave, so Draco and Aurora could serve their detention.

  Aurora was confused as to why Iris didn't tell her that she use to be friends with Draco. Draco informed her that Iris started to like Draco, and when he said he didn't like her back, she stopped being his friend out of rage. Aurora was so upset she didn't want to think of it right now, she started to work on their extra assignments for receiving detention. Snape exclaimed, "I will back in just a moment, I have some business to attend, finish your work." Snape left the room, leaving the door open. Draco turned to Aurora and said, "Aurora, there's no doubt, you are incredibly beautiful and clearly I'm into you. I want to take you on a date soon, but first, I want to know a few things, personal things." Aurora looked nervous and shook her head affirming Draco to continue. He then stated, "I want to know what you're into, sexually. It's okay if you don-" Aurora interrupted him with, "Draco, I can't believe I'm saying this after only knowing you for a few days, but I will obey everything you say, I like to be dominated and will happily enjoy it." Draco smiled and said to meet him in his private room, which he received due to being a Malfoy, at 9 p.m. no exceptions. A private room... wow, how I get one of those? Aurora thought to herself. They finished their work and Snape returned to release them.

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