Epilogue: Finally Over.

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"So you're telling me.. that thing.. Is my sibling?? Nope. Not a chance." Ink said, looking at the pouting Error.

Fate just looked at Error.

"Fine! You can punch him!" Fate spoke, which Error smiled to.

Fate and the others just laughed at the scene of Ink running away and got back to the DeitySpace, which seems like all of them linked.

"So, we basically share the same deity space now? But our rooms have walls?" Destiny looked at their surroundings.

Oh right. She existed.

So somehow, Karma, Time, Feelings, Destiny and Void (who is somehow Destiny's friend), are here with Fate. 

Everything is going to be alright, finally they can have the happy ending they deserved.


But not all stories has a good ending,

At least not this one.


"Oh my, seems like you made something impossible come true Fate." ??? suddenly appeared in the Deity Space.

"..M-Mother? H-how.. did you get here?" Fate said, terrified on how could she be here.

"You know, your character Ink reminds me of Destiny.. and that brat Error.. of you. And oh, I have my ways.." Their mother spoke.

Fate backed away, going near Destiny.

"Destiny, I know we aren't that close.. but whatever happens, please protect Error.. I know mom will get him.." Fate whispered to Destiny, which to Destiny nodded.

Then their mother brought out a familiar button, it's the OVERWRITE button.

"I-Isn't that the forbidden button? H-How did she get that?" Feelings whispered to Time, shivering of fear, as Time just stood there, frozen.

"Because Fate, the only one that deserves this all is DESTINY!" Their mother spoke as she pressed the button.


Fate and Destiny's mother was then banished for using the overwrite button for selfish reasons.

Nothing much had changed, their DeitySpaces were still connected..

But I couldn't say the same to Fate and her multiverse.

..It's like Error wasn't her son anymore..

..It's like they never met Fate anymore..

..And Fate?..

...She wasn't herself anymore.

Fate began to hurt Error, as Destiny tried to intervene as best as she can, to keep her promise.

And that's how Fgod started.

This is Renewed Fate.

After all, not all villains are born evil.



373 Words

Renewed Fate (Fgod Error)Where stories live. Discover now