11: Harley Returns To Gotham

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The past few weeks Sharon saw her girl sleeping in her house and being a mess. She knew she had to do something and she knew she wasn't the best mom. She saw Harley crying over two people and 2 people only. She was a total mess and Sharon had enough. She walked up to Harley trying to be as polite as she could.

"Harleen? Can we talk?" Harley looked up from her ice cream that she filled with her tears.

"What." Sharon sighed. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she'd rather have her villain daughter back than an emotional cocoon wailing over her ice cream because it's too cold.

"I think you should go to Ivy and tell her you're sorry."

"No, she was in fault!"

"Harleen, look at you! You're a grown up woman who is crying over her ice cream because she got in a fight with her best friend. Get yourself together. Maybe she's the one in fault, but it affected you. Go talk to her. Maybe she's sorry, but is afraid to tell you."

Harley eyed her mother up and down suspiciously. "Why are you being so nice to me all of the sudden?"

"Well, one because I would like my house back and second, because I don't wanna see my little girl crying and eating ice cream. Go out there!"

Harley knew her mother was right. But she didn't had the strength to do so. Harley stood up and went to her room.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Ivy." she took her bag and threw it on her shoulder. She put her hand on Sharon's shoulder. "Thanks mom." and she left. Sharon felt a feeling she never felt before. Something in her changed.


Harley arrived in Gotham just to see it be a mess. Joker took over the whole city. Commissioner Gordon was trying to calm everyone as villains were running around the city laughing manically. Harley froze. This was Gotham? She didn't recognized it. She always wanted to see Gotham in pain but now literally everything was on fire. And when I say everything, i mean everything. The buildings, the streets. A girl ran screaming around while her hair was on fire. What the fuck happened while she was gone.

She ran to the only place where she knew that Ivy would be there. She stood in front of a house and pressed the bell. A worried and tired Ivy opened the door just to see her eyes light up again.

"Harley!" she jumped on Harley and gave her a hug. "I missed you!" Harley brushed Ivy off of her and stood up. They went in, in Ivys house and sat on the couch.

Harley glanced at Ivy. "Ivy, what the fuck happened here?" Ivy sighed. Clearly she didn't wanted to talk about. She liked the chaos.

"Joker found out where I lived and when he didn't saw you here with me he became crazier than he already was. He conquered Gotham and your face was on missing files for weeks. He became crazy as fuck and wanted to haunt you down. He stopped with that after he destroyed Gotham. Now, Gotham is burning down, and no one's doing anything. Gordon is trying to calm the citizens and the Justice League is nowhere to be found. "

Harley remained in shock. She knew the Joker was crazy but not that crazy to burn down Gotham.

"i- idk what to say right now. I know he was crazy, but burning Gotham?"

"Yeah. As I said, no ones fixing it."

"Ivy!" ivy turns around to Joker stroming in Ivy's house. "Do you w- Harley?" Harley sighs.

"Hi Joker."

"When did you come back? I searched weeks for you!"

"I just returned from my mother and I wanna let you know something." Harley pauses, takes Ivy and kisses her. "She's my girlfriend you asshole, so fuck you." Harley kicks Joker in his private parts, sprays him with pepper spray and kicks him outside and locks the door.

"Girl- girlfriend?" Harley turns around to a blushing Poison Ivy playing with her firey red hair.

"I mean, if you want."

Ivy stands up and kisses Harley. "Did that answer your question?"

Harley giggles and kisses Ivy again. She missed her touch. Harley just missed Ivy. "Never leave again please."

Harley chuckles and kisses Ivy again. "I won't, don't worry."

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