Start of a New Romance

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"Didn't you hear?"

"They're the first official couple in our class!"

"Took 'em long enough, there was so much sexual tension in the air."

"Dude, don't say that!"

"Kuwata's not gonna be happy about this one."

"Sh-Shut up! I'm happy for them!"

"How long have they been dating?"

"I don't know, they wanted to keep it secret for a long as possible so it could have been months!"

"Too bad SOMEONE had to rat them out."

"I couldn't contain myself!"

Kyoko attempted to ignore everyone, but it was exceptionally difficult. They were only chatting about one thing and one thing only. Aoi made an announcement one day and told everyone in her class that Sayaka and Makoto were going out. Everyone was delighted, except Kyoko. Was this karma for finally accepting her feelings? Or was this just another part of Makoto's curse? Whatever it was, it didn't make Kyoko pleased, yet she kept her poker face on all day every day. She peeked over to the back of the classroom, where Sayaka and Makoto were being bombarded with people encompassing them. Somehow, all this talk about them felt like a massive 'fuck you' to her. She yearned she had some sort of distraction to keep her away from thinking about their relationship.

"♫KirigiriKirigiriKirigiriKirigiri!♫" Junko annoyingly sang. She squiggled her body while dancing around her like a mad man. "Yes?"

"I can tell you're not that happy right now. Just spit it and tell me what's wrong, no point in hiding it from me. I'm gonna figure it out either way."

"Are you sure?" Kyoko said. "I look the same as always."

"That's not true, you're different today. So you gotta tell meeeeeeeeee!!"

"There's nothing to tell you. I'm feeling fine, I look fine, and nothing's wrong."

"You're being oddly defensive." Junko caught her off guard with a hug from the side. She put her mouth up to her ear, breathing on it heavily, intentionally or not. "You're jealous of Sayaka, right?"

Her body shuddered and shoved her off Junko of herself, making Junko fall on her butt. Yet, she sprung back up with the same stamina as before. "So that basically confirms it, huh. Normal Kirigiri wouldn't shove me off like that, especially if it wasn't true. That means I have blackmail now! Ha ha ha-?" A hand was unexpectedly on her shoulder.

"Enoshima, can me and Kirigiri talk alone please?"

"Oh. Naegi." She rolled her eyes using a completely different personality from a few seconds ago. "Fine, I guess you can." She walked away with her hands crossed.

"I owe you for that."

"Don't worry about it, I'm only helping a friend in need. But what she said... I have to agree with." Kyoko raised her eyebrow.

"Are you okay? You look kinda... stressed." Makoto had walked up to her and asked her.

"Do I? I don't feel that way. Just don't worry about me." He frowned, not accepting what she said. Kyoko tried being as sincere as possible, but he could still see through her lies. "Whatever you say, but I'm not going to believe you."

"Fine with me as long as you don't ask about it." He walked away, going back to Sayaka. As Kyoko went to pack some more stuff in her backpack, she noticed a peculiar note jammed inside. She opened it and read it.

You have a secret admirer! (人*´∀`)。*゚+ Meet me at this address later today to learn who I am!

At the bottom, an address was jotted down and Kyoko recognized it as a nearby coffee shop. The note had chibi drawings of Kyoko all around it and a few hearts spread out as well. Luckily for whoever wrote this to her, it was the one day Kyoko decided to take time off of work. She placed it back in her backpack in the same spot and swung the bag over her arm. She looked back over to Makoto, who already went back to talking with Sayaka.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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