45-Fathers Love

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45-Fathers Love

Third-party POV :

Roya was missing that has been know to everybody. Roya's father is also worried about it. Noone knew where she is! It has been 3 days. Since, she left with her all belongings, they can not file a case about her MISSING. She left the place with her right mind.

In here John's health come to good condition. His cuts  was start recovering but his heart is still bleeding. He just can not believe, Roya left him. And he can not forgive his own self that he doubted on her. Because his misunderstanding and his false doubts, he pull this dangerous stunts. He try to convince himself that he was drunk but he has some fault.

Days pass and in 7th days Roya is nowhere to be found. She just disappeared with no clue. She did not contract with anyone. They searched her every but noone know where is she. They even doubt, she is nowhere in New York.

John's condition is day by day is getting worse. He is regreting of his actions. He is having panic attacks and crying all day long.

Mr Mettew Robin was worried. He saw his son like that when he was at school and cried when his first love rejected him and change his school. The same teenager John is start coming to his vision. Fathers insticts, he search for the girl who has the courage to broke his son heart. He find out that the girl is still immature.
The girl still is unknown to the love world. He laughed at his boy foolishness.

But this issue is really serious, his Boy is not teenager now.He try to console his son.

In hospital bed John saw his father. Mr Mettew Robin pet his son shoulder and said "Every thing will be alright son. Just take care. We will find her."

John the broken husband was so much, he start crying in front of his father arms "Father she left me, she left me. I love her. How can she left me like this? Did she call to know my health? Where is she? Did you guys find her? Tell me that she is here. You guys find her? I will apologize to her, I will beg her. Please dad tell me she is here "

Mettew Robin asked his son with cold expression" What did you do john?why she left you like this? "

John didn't say a word John look at his father's eye and start sobbing. He didn't want to tell about the incident to anyone. Not even his father every one hate him for this.

" I can not tell you that."

Senior Mr Robin understands the hint behind the statement. He nodded his head and said "I will try hire a spy to find her. Give her some time, times heals everything. And you have also become fine to bring my daughter - in - law him. Get well soon"

John nodded, he have be fine, to find his love. To find his life

Senior Robin came out from John's cabin. Mrs Robin also came forward and asked him "how was he? Did he tell you what happened between them? I asked him many times but he did not tell me?"

"No but you sure everything was fine when you visited them earlier?"

Mrs Robin replied "Mettew, I was there. My son was so much into her. He was also trying to work there relationships. They both love each other. I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THAT BUT EVERYTHING WAS FINE. they start living in one room when I pressure them. You should not have marry them off without their consent! "

" shh! Don't say things that loud. I will try to contract and agency to find Roya. And I will talk to Mr knight, if he know something. Where can she goes! "

" I heard, Roya stop talking to him after she gets to know about the contract you made for the marriage? "

" For God sake will you stop mentioning that topic!!I don't want to create sense in here "

" sorry, it just come out from my mouth. And we are alone here. "

" yeah, we are. Should I kiss you here? "

Mrs Robin blush" Mettew, we are in hospital and there is Aaron and Stella and Rose . Okey! I will stop mentioning that.i am going there  "

It has been five  month and John is now alright. Fit and fine. He became so restless to find Roya. He hire so many detective spies to find Roya. And on the other hand John's father give those spies money to not tell John the location of Roya.

Mr Robin is well aware that Roya need time. And if John's rushes the thing will not work. So he is giving both of them time to know and understand the situation. There marrige is bound in a hurry and the relationship does not work out. This time Mr. ROBIN IS TRYING HARD TO NOT RUSH TO THE COUNCLUTION.

The time is the best hearer. If they both can make it and there love still lasts and they both really love each other things will get clear soon. Mr, Robin believes that.

After all he is a wise business men and a very good father. Who really does not want to destroy his children life.

John is doing fine is his business but he is missing Roya. He is doing everything to find Roya. But he did not knew Roya is bluding another empire with him. And trying hard to forget him.


A/N :sorrt for late. People are start forgetting me. Here is the update please follow.

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