38-Angry Youngmen

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John pov 🕸️ ☢️ 🕸️ ☢️

After pulling out tie from my neck harshly, I thorw it out to my bed. Took off my coat and go to the bathroom to cool myself. How dare that fucker said that to me! Ugh! I never feel that much anger inside me ever. Even, I didn't feel that bad, when my father denied to give me money to start my own business.

I stand under shower & the water is running.Water fall on the bathroom floor and making tip top sounds. Water is non-stoply falling on my head and I am not even blinking for once. The water causing me blurry in my vision. I can not see properly though I didn't blink..

My mind is only replaying his words "if Roya ever come back to me, I will never let her go empty handed"

I turn around the shower nob and stand there like statue for while. Am I that much insecure? Roya will never gonna do that, she will never leave me! Why would she leave by the way!
In here she has everything, I can give her the world?

But I know inside me, I am not the one she deserves! But I am changing, I did even laid after my marriage! I never cheated her! I.... I love her!

Oh, my head is paining. This awful thought are killing me.

I get out from the bathroom with towel on my waist and another towel on my hand to dry of the water on my head. I enter in closet and wear something casual.
I came back to my room and there she is eating ice-cream like a baby. If this painful thoughts not exist in my head, I would have admire her. Her lips and her moans. But I can not. Should I talk to her! Scold her for not telling me, why she is going out with nick? Should I show her my insecurities, show that I am breaking down because she is dating someone eles? Wait! Are they dating? No... No. Why would they? She will never gonna do that! She knows well, I will not gonna tolerate that shit!

I should talk and.......

I tried to say things that I am feeling inside. Jealousy is burning everything inside me.

But I am afraid that will create more problems. So, I just try to forget what nick told me. John just focuse on some things eles.

Roya said "what happened? You look stressed!
Thanks to you.

" I am fine. I have some work to do. I am going to the studyroom "

" Okey! " she start eating ice cream again. One spoon into her mouth.i look at her moves!

" want some? "showing me her spoon which was inside her mouth some moment before.

" no thanks. You... You "hesitating to ask her about her date... What will cause. I will pretend like I don't know that she go out with nick and I didn't see them.

I said" how was your day? "what a question by the way!

She stop her there and put the I cream pot beside the bed." it was Okey. How was yours? You look so... You know like, you lost millions dollars. Did something bad happened?"

" no! Hae. Nothing. I was just in pressure to complete my ongoing project! That is it. What about Stone,did you go to office today.? I heard, you guys are also working on some projects? "

" hey! You know I can not tell my official project to you. We are working as rivals. So, nope I am not gonna tell a single thing about project. And I didn't go to office today. I work from home today and went out to meet someone! "

At least she didn't denied the thing. Should I push her a little!

" whom! I mean you went out to meet someone! Who is the someone may I ask ? "

" my old friend from university! Oh! You know him, he proposed me once in front you! "
She let out a laugh. It cause me more shit. I didn't understand is she try to fuel on the fire or she is laughing because I didn't kick his ass that day.i should have kick him that day. Ugh!

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