In Need To Breathe

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Hi! So I've been AWOL for the past 6 months. Sorry :( But here's a story I wrote for english class to make up for it. Love you guys. Vote, comment and fan if you liked it!

In Need to Breathe

       It was a Monday when it all began. There were no signs, nothing to warn us about the coming tragedy. It was just a regular, omen-free day in King Edwards’ Primary School.

“Tag! You’re it!” I shouted gleefully, almost shoving the curly haired boy beside me. He took off after me as I sprinted over to the jungle-gym. I didn’t bother running too fast; I knew Tommy’s chubby legs wouldn’t take him far. Once I made it up to the steel ladder that led up to the slides, I took a moment to catch my breath. It was surprisingly difficult to regain stability, and I found myself wheezing for a few minutes. I wondered vaguely if I was getting a cold. That would explain the constant coughing as well.

I didn’t think too much of it… but I should have.

~ ~ ~ ~

We were now seated in our third grade classroom, chatting with our neighbor as it was still recess. We had been brought inside after a sudden rainstorm had showered the entire playground. Most of us had been soaked through, and were now audibly chattering our teeth. I went to stand in front of the poorly heated radiator, trying to bring some life back into my numb fingers.

Looking outside, I shivered involuntarily at the grey sky, the thick clouds threatening above. The rain was lashing down, suffocating anything and everything it came in contact with. It was the complete opposite of the cheerful, sunny day we had just an hour ago. It was almost eerie how suddenly the day had transformed.

I didn’t think too much of it… but I should have.

~ ~ ~ ~

“How was school today, sweetheart?” My mom asked me after buckling in my seatbelt, and running to the driver’s seat in an attempt not to get wet.

“It was great. I got a gold sticker in my exercise book, and I beat Tommy in Snakes and Ladders, and Mira gave me half of her cookie,” I rambled.

“That’s good, honey.”

“Yeah, and my teacher said…” I started saying before I was interrupted by a series of coughing fits. I could feel my chest tighten; I couldn’t breathe. Mum looked back at me, a concerned look on her face.

“Lily? Are you okay?” I responded with more coughs. My body racked and convulsed violently. Mum frantically pulled over the car and jumped into the backseat beside me. I barely registered that she was now digging in my bag for my water bottle. At this point, I could feel myself losing consciousness. Mum disappeared from beside me and suddenly the car lurched forward. In no time at all, we were parked in front of The Calvary Hospital. Mum picked me up and ran into the white building, calling out to everyone, trying to get their attention. The voices around me blurred into gibberish, and I was wheezing uncontrollably.

“Someone please! Help!” was the last thing I heard before the world went black.

~ ~ ~ ~

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slowly opened my heavy eyelids. I took in the unfamiliar room I was in, and panic washed over me. I looked to my right and saw a strange machine which had a tube that was hooked to my arm. My eyes widened at the needle. That was when I registered the excruciating pain that was originating from my chest. I cried out, tears streaming down my face.

The monitor changed tempo; it was frantically beeping, signaling my heart rate increasing. In just a few seconds, a woman ran into the room. She wordlessly stuck another needle into a bag full of fluids. The pain immediately subsided and my eyes became droopy again.

“How did you do that?” I sniffed, wide-eyed and curious.

“It’s just some medicine to make you feel better. Try to get some rest.” She said emotionlessly, before walking out of the room.

“Wait! Where’s my mum? Where am I?”

A flicker of sympathy crossed her face and she said coldly, “She’s closer to you than you think.”

She walked away, and this time, I let her. I was suddenly too exhausted to think. Before I let sleep take over my body, her words rang through my mind.

“She’s closer to you than you think.”

What does that mean?

~ ~ ~ ~

9 years later.

Dearest Lily,

I know you’re probably confused and have been for awhile. If your life had gone as I’d planned, you’d be living with Tommy and his family, and would be attending King Edwards’ High School. I wrote this letter to explain to you where I am and why you haven’t seen me in so long.

The day you were admitted into hospital when you were seven, I found out that you had a rare lung disease that caused your lungs to collapse. You were also suffering from a severe case of asthma. I didn’t know this prior to you getting sick because we did not have health insurance. It came as a shock to me as even though I knew we weren’t well off, I thought I could take care of you.

Anyways, the paramedics gave me two weeks to come up with $250,000 for a lung transplant. I searched everywhere. I even asked your father for some help, even though I swore I would never speak to him again. The point is, after two weeks I hadn’t even made half of the money.

You’re probably wondering where you were all this time. I asked your doctor to give you a very strong anesthetic that would leave you comatose until the due date. I know it was a cowardly thing to do; hiding from you. I hope you understand that I was frightened for us. I didn’t know how to tell you. You were going to die.

After a week and a half, I had solved the problem. If I couldn’t find enough money to “buy” you a pair of lungs, then I was going to give you my own. I know you feel lonely, hurt, and probably angry that I would leave you in such a way, but it was the only option. I needed to save you.

I’m sorry I couldn’t take care of you. I’m sorry you’ve lost both of your parents. Just know that I’ve always loved and will always love you more than anyone else in the world. I’m so proud of you, and I hope you live a full and happy life, just like you deserve.

I love you, baby.

Mum. x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2013 ⏰

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