30.Your pov

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"WAKE UP!!!" Malia yell in my ear shaking me awake.

"IM AWAKE, IM AWAKE!!!" i yell back pushing what i thought was Malia away.

"OUCH" Jackson groan after falling out of the bed with a tud.

"Oh my god! Im sorry Jax! I thought you were Malia" i say helping him up.

"Hurry up and change, we are swiming!!" Malia jump around happy.

"Be right out" i smile and walk into the bathroom to change.

"Be right out" i smile and walk into the bathroom to change

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"Damn y/n" Jackson whiseld checking me out.

"Well thank you Jax" i smile kissing his cheek and walk out to the sunbeds with the girls.

Im sunbathing. Malia and Kira are talking and Lydia and Allison are both reading. The boys are playing ball in the ocean around us. After a while all the voices blurred out as i only focused on the wave sound. I fell asleep on my stomach while sunbathing still lisening to the calming sound of the ocean.

Theo's pov

Throwing the ball around and dunking echother under water soon became boring. Looking over at the girls laying on the sunbeds i can see all of them had fallen asleep. Turning back to the boys everyone nods so we start swiming back to the yacht. Getting up as quietly as possible and walking over to them. I quickly lift y/n up and run twards the water again.

"THEO DON'T YOU DARE!!!" y/n scream.

"Sorry love" i laugh and jump into the ocean with her still in my arms.

When we come back up for air we get splashed with water as the other boys jump in with the rest of the girls in their arms. All the boys laugh but the girls dosen't seem to happy. Looking at y/n im starting to get a littel scared. She push me under water and swim back up to the yacht and sits down on the eadge with her feet still in the water.

"Im sorry love" i pout leaning my arms on the boat.

"Fine" she sigh.

"Move out the way, my fur needs a swim too" she smirks.

We all quickly get on board letting her swim alone if needed.

(Just Orange ofc)

Looking at her having fun in the water makes me smile. We all just watch her play around while we sit and drink by the sunbeds.

"Beautiful in both shapes isn't she" Allison smile.

"Yeah, she is" i anwser looking at her shifting back to human.

"Hey Lyds! Could you bring me another bikini please" she laugh.

Lydia nods and walk inside to get her a new one.

"Thanks Lyds" she smile getting out of the ocean and back onto the deck

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"Thanks Lyds" she smile getting out of the ocean and back onto the deck.

Im checking her out when she walks over to the cooler taking out a Capri-sun.

"What are you 10?" Aiden jokes.

"No. Im a strong 12/10. And for your own safety, don't EVER disrespect Capri-sun infront of me. It's the best drink in the world so shush" she sass back taking one more with her back to her seat.

"Damn" i chuckel.

Y/N could be heard agressivly drinking her Capri-sun as her straw starts to suck up the last drops. Turning twards her i see her glearing holes into Aiden's chair. Looking back i notice that the others have seen it aswell. We are all trying our hardest not to laugh. But nobody could hold it when her second Capri-sun started making the same sound when it soon was empty. Breaking into a fit of laughter we scared y/n so much that she jumped and fell of her chair.

"Im so sorry" i laugh.

"Let me help you" Ethan laugh giving her a hand.

She takes it and he helps her up.
Glearing at us she stumps angirly over to the hotbath and gets in. The girls join her. Starting to walk over to them with the rest of the guys we get stopped before we could even get in.

"Nope. Girls only. We have a long awaited girltalk" Allison say pushing us away.

Groaning and complaining we walk back to our sunbeds.

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