15.Your pov

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I walk out of school and see Brett already waiting. I smile and run to him jumping on his back.

"Hey princess" he chuckel and start to race around with me screaming on his back.

"Buuuuubs, im going to fall off" i laugh.

He laugh aswell but stops and walk back to the car with me still on his back. He open the door for me and lifts me in, kiss the top of my head, walk back around to the driver side and get in.

"Im going over to Scott's later today, he is going to help me study" i inform him. I see him tense.

"Why can't we just study together?" He ask taking a short glance at me before focusing at the road again.

"Because we don't go to the same school and you don't even take sience" i laugh kissing his hand.

"I just don't trust him" he pouts.

"But you trust me and thats all you have to do" i smile at him.

"But i will drive you and pick you up" he say showing me his pinky.
I giggel and we shake pinkys.

 I giggel and we shake pinkys

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"Princess?" He smile.

"Yes bubs?" I ask.

"Move in with me" he say.

I look at him smiling.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, you already have all your stuff here. Just make it official" he smile.

"I would love that" i smile back.

When we get home i start making dinner as Brett's doing his homework.
I start making homemade pizza to make sure it has all the stuff he likes on it.
After putting it in the oven i walk around cleaning while singing to myself.

"You are really good you know" i hear Brett say from behind me making me jump.

"Oh...uhm, thanks?" I blush. The timer go off, i get the pizza out of the oven and we eat. We talk about randome stuff until Scott texted me saying i could come whenever.

"Can you drive me now bubs?" I ask putting away our dirty plates.

"Sure princess" he get his keys and i get my school bag.

When we get to Scott's house i kiss Brett and get out throwing the bag over my shoulder. I jog over to his door and wave to Brett as he drives off. Just as i was about to press the doorbell Scott open the door.

"Hey, come in" he smile.

"Thanks" i smile back.

I take of my shoes and jacket before i join Scott in the kitchen.

"Hi, im Melissa! Scott's mom. Nice to meet you y/n" she say pulling me into a hug. At first i was too shocked to do anything but then i hugged her back.

"Okay, im leaving for work. Have fun" she smile and walk out to her car leaving us in a awkward silence.

"So lets start" i say breaking the silence witch Scott seem to apriciate.

"You got your books?" He ask while getting out his own.

I nod taking them out of my bag placing them on the kitchen table. We study for two hours straight. Scott explain the topic we are working on for the next three months. I slowley but surely start getting the hang of it.

"And there you go" Scott say closeing his books. He looks over and see my exhusted face and start laughing.

"My brain hurts" i say closing my books to.

"Im thirsty, you want something to drink while we wait for Brett to pick you up?" He ask getting out two waterbottels.

"Yeeeeessss please" i sigh dramaticly.

Scott laugh again as he hand me the bottel. When i was going to take it he lifted it over his head. I give him the stinkeye.

"Scott. That's not fair. Im tired" i complain.

"Im not doing anything" he say looking at me with a innocent smile.

I groan and try to jump.
He lifts it even higher. I continue to jump and finally get it.
By then i was about to die of thirst.
I down the whole bottel in 5sec.
Then i see Scott blushing and standing awkwardly.

"You okay?" I ask tilting my head.

"Just having a problem" he anwser not meeting my eyes.

"Oh? Oooohh" it took me a few sec to get what it was.

"Is it because of me?" I ask blushing aswell.

"Ehh, when you were jumping your chest you know... was jumping aswell and it kinda made me really hard" he say scratching his neck looking away.

"Im sorry" i say biting my lip awkwardly out of habit.

"That dosen't help" Scott groan looking at my lips.

I look down and see his bulge.

"Holy shit" i say without thinking.

"What?" He ask finally looking me in my eyes.

"Eh nothing" i blush.

"Please tell me, im kinda panicking here" he fake chuckel.

"It's just...ehm...your bigger then i thought you were" i look away.

"Hold up. You have thought of my dick size?" He smirk.

"Yeah... before Brett" i anwser.
His smirk disapear just as we hear a car honk.

"Thats him. Bye, thanks for the help Scott and sorry about the...problem" i say packing my bag.

"Can we just forget about this? And not tell anyone?" He ask stressed.

"Ofc, see you tomorrow" i smile and walk out, get in Brett's car and we drive home.

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