Chapter 1

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Katie's Pov

*Alarm beeping* "Ugh!" *Yawning* "What time is it?" *Grabbing phone* "Gosh it's 7:30 I want to sleep more".

5 minutes later "KATIE!!!" My mom screeches. "I told you to be up by 7:30!!" She said and slams the door on her way out.

I grab my blanket and drop it on the floor and goes to the bathroom. While taking a shower my mom came back and said "Katie you need to be done by exactly 7:50 okay? And oh come down to the kitchen to have some breakfast okay?" She waited for my response but I didn't answer so she slaps my butt and I hurriedly say "AH! ALRIGHT I UNDERSTAND!" and she close the door of my cr and walk out of my room.

As I was done preparing for myself

I check the time and it's already 7:52 so I rush down to the kitchen and saw my family waiting for me so I sit down on the chair "Good morning fam! Let's eat!" I said and we all eat

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I check the time and it's already 7:52 so I rush down to the kitchen and saw my family waiting for me so I sit down on the chair "Good morning fam! Let's eat!" I said and we all eat.

After a while my dad broke the silence "So Katie where do you want to study for college?" He said while munching he's food.

"Anywhere dad, but I want to go to school where I can make friends, can focus on my study, and a school that is not strict" I said while looking to my mom, dad and my sister.

"Ok but for now we have to go cause we're already late, Mrs. Loren please clean up our mess thank you!" My mom said and we all rush to grab our things while Mrs. Loren cleans up our mess.

I grab my bag and phone and headed to our door and ware my shoes.

"Katie hurry up we're late!" Jayda said while running heading to our car
"I know! I'm almost done!" I said in a annoyed tone.

I run to our car and hopped in. While my dad is driving Jayda turns on the music which is a kpop song, yeah she's a kpop fan and the group she stans are NCT, Seventeen, The Boyz, Monsta X, Cravity, TXT, etc., She stans so many groups that I can't even count them and I'm so sick listening to their songs since my sister plays it every whole fuck*ng day through our house speaker like she don't stay in her room to study, she stays in our living room always just to watch some kpop vedeos and kdrama.

20 minutes later we arrive at my school "We're here Katiee, now go cause you're already late" my mom said in a hurry tone. "Okay bye see y'all at home" I said while leaving the car and wave at them while watching the car's shadow to disappear.

"WATCH OUT GIRL!" an unknown voice called in so I turn around and saw...

to be continued...

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