Chapter 2

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Author's note: there are some cursing parts so please be careful...

"WATCH OUT GIRL!" an unknown voice called in, so I turn around and saw...

A ball heading to me but I was just standing there freezing don't know what to do and the bad luck punch me so I fell down and didn't gain consciousness.

I heard some people laughing at me "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"  "Is she stupid? HAHAHAHHA"  "Poor girl"  "She sucks"  "Oh my gosh! HAHAHAHAHAHHA"  "She's so ugly ew HAHAHAHAHAHA".

I heard a man/woman saying "MAKE SOME WAY!" while carrying me and run. I don't know where he/she takes me and I want to move my body but I can't due to the pain nor my head and eyes so I gave up.

I feel a wet towel on my forehead and a blanket on my body. I gain a little bit of consciousness so I open my eyes but it's blurry so I open it wide but it's still blurry so I tried to get up but I fail.

"Don't move you'll just hurt your body more" someone said in a warm tone.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I said in a calm way but in reality I'm panicking, my heart beats so fast. "Don't worry I'm not a bad guy and you don't have to know me, you're in the infirmary, here drink some water"

'So he's a man?' I said in my mind. He helps me to bend up so that I can drink my water. "Oh um thank you, btw how long is my unconsciousness

"Mmmmm 1 hour I guess" he said and nod his head. So... 'I missed my first subject!?'

"Oh sh*t! It's almost time! I gotta go bye! Oh wait you can go home when the nurse is here and don't worry about your class cause I already told your teacher that you're in an accident. BYE!" he said in a hurry tone.

"WAIT!" I said, I want to see his face clearly but it's all blurred. "Um where's my things?" I said. "Oh it's on the table" he said and open the door but "Is my phone inside my bag?" I said. "Nope it's on the table, why?" He said. "Can you put in inside my bag? Please? Cause I might lose it" I said in a pleading way. "Oh okay" he said.

He put my phone inside my bag, I thought it's my chance to see his face but badly it's still blurry so I sigh. "Something wrong?" He asked. "Nope, thank you, you can go now yeah hehe, bye thank you again" I said ang wave. "No problem princess!" He said then smirk and wink. "PRINCESS!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" I said in a confu-

Only if my eyes arrent blurry I could've seen his face right now and ask for his number, *sigh* I'ma sleep right now so that my eyes won't be blurry anymore.

A Guys Pov

It was morning and I smell something delicious so I go to the kitchen and saw my beautiful mom cooking my favourite breakfast "WOW! MOM! IS THAT FOR ME?" I said and back hug her. "No you stupid, it's for all of us, do you think that you're the only person in this house?" Someone said so I turn around and saw my cousin Angelique, a.k.a Angie.

I remember that my cousin slept here last night with her fam because it was my birthday yesterday. "She's right son" my mom said. "Oh right *nodding* sorry" I said and goes back to my room.

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Auntie is your son having an amne-
sia? HAHHAHAHA" Angie said. "I HERE YOU, YOU DUMBASS!" I said since my room is just in left side in our kitchen. "HEY! WHAT DID YOU SAY!? DUMBASS!?" Angie said. "DO YOU WANNA DIE!?, I MIGHT SLAP YOU WITH THIS PORK BELLY ON THE TABLE!!" she add. "TRY ME BITCH! HAHAHHAHAHAHA" I said with a devilish laugh.

"WHAT!? BITCH!? HEY!!! COME HERE YOU JERK!!!" Angie said angrily and goes to my room so I quickly lock my door so that she can't let in. "HEY JERK! OPEN YOUR FUCKING DOOR!!" Angie said. "NO I WON'T LET YOU IN PUNK!" I said and laugh. "HEY I MIGHT BREAK YOUR DOOR! DO YOU WANT ME TO BREAK IT!" she said. "MOM ANGIE'S GONNA BREAK MY DOOR!!! AUNTIE!! UNCLE!! DAD!! ANGIE'S GONNA BREAK MY PRECIOUS DOOR!!!!!!" I said while laughing so hard.

"SHUT UP YOU BOTH!" a familiar voice called in so Angie turned around and I also open my door slowly to see my...

To be continued...

Angelique Veeno-18 (American)

Annylin-40 (the guy's mother) (American)

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Annylin-40 (the guy's mother) (American)

Annylin-40 (the guy's mother) (American)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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