〘Chapter 5〙

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"Hi everyone!!!" Felix said, happily waving at his friends, who all gathered in front of him. Changbin, Minho, Hyunjin, Mark and Hoshu, the whole dance team, and now, Lix. "I'm so happy we're finally complete!" Hoshu excitedly said and jumped, when landing he sat down on the floor, everyone else copying him. Complete. They were. Lix had to accept that Changbin was now a part of their dance team. It had to be five performing members, but it could always be more. Binnie didn't do anything different from all the other boys either. He auditioned with a couple others and then, their dance teacher picked him to join. So, not any different to Felix, and everyone else on the team. "Lix I really miss you! Come to visit us soon!" "No we'll come to him, dickhead." Mark smacked the youngest on the head, making him whine a bit. Meanwhile Fox just stared at his phone screen, looking at the others. Once they started dancing after a short argument, his heart started to break. I'm supposed to be with them. He thought. He was in his last year of school before graduation, and so was everyone on the team except the youngest. After this year, the dance team wouldn't be the same. They would all be gone, moving to different parts of Sydney or even other cities, maybe even countries, going off to college and just leaving their highschool life behind. Lix suddenly hung up the call, burying his face in Lina's chest, who was right next to him. "It's okay darling.." Then, his phone lit up with multiple messages.

Old Dance Teamies

7 unread messages

Are you there?🥺🥺

Hey U got shit wifi?

Oof I read Waifu
And what's going on

Oh we're in the wrong group?

Mr Seastar
U have another group?

We didn't add U since U left

Yeah so we had a video call
with Lix and then it
suddenly ended and now we
wanna check if smth bad happened
or the hospital didn't pay their
phone bills

Mr Seastar
Well my phone says he's
reading our messages so---

Don't do the -- thing °-°

Mr Seastar
Y? U gonna stop me?

Hi Lix!✨🥺


Pff I'll kick U out man

I mean out of this group

Are you good?🥺

Mr Seastar
Wow I'm so scared-

Yeah don't worry🥺

I've been worse

Hol' up quick question

We saw lix yesterday and u're
already missing him?

At least he cares abt me😐

Hey yeah I'm rlly sorry
we left you-


We realised U were missing
once we were in the cafeteria
and when we went looking for
you we couldn't find you
And idk why but we just kinda
gave up

Mr Seastar
Okay so did I get this right?
You hung out with Felix and
then just left him somewhere
while you went and had a snack,
and you didn't even look for him

Pretty much

Mr Seastar

Dude what the hell
You can't just leave him
like that, wheelchair
bound or not!

I gotta agree with U, Patt

Yes me too

Even tho I was one of those
who left you. I'm rlly sorry

That's what happened to
my arms when I
tried pushing myself up

Oh no🥺😩

It looks rlly painful

Do you want me to
come and hug you🥺?

Cuddles would be rlly nice
but I don't think you're allowed in

Oh man get better soon

Yeah same
Btw what abt the call?

I'm not in the mood
anymore, sry

No it's ok I understand

Rest well!!


Lix turned off his phone and buried his face in Lina's chest again, not crying but sobbing a bit. After a little bit of time, he was pushed over the edge however and cried hysterically, for actually no specific reason. "Mummy..." There was the reason. He missed his mum. She hadn't even come to visit on Christmas Eve, and Felix never heard a 'merry Christmas', heck, not even a 'how are you' from her since he had been at the hospital. She probably forgot about him. "Shh Lix." "Mummy...?!" He kept asking again and again, hugging his fiance tighter every time. "Felix stop it, your mum isn't here and she's not going to come." Li blurted out, facts, which made him loose it again. He was screaming so loudly that he got the attention of a couple of nurses, who came to check whether he was okay or not. He wasn't, he wasn't okay at all. "Please call my mother..." He begged one of them. "Please just do it, please!" The woman nodded and went out of the room. "EOMMA!!!" He screamed loudly. "IT'S ENOUGH!" Lina yelled back. Slap. He just froze. She...she hit me?  They both slowly realised what had happened and just stared at each other in silence. He had been slapped in the face by his fiance. Woah....

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