[31] Genin Boys

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Megumi pov

"Ohayo!" I smiled from above Sasuke startling him awake to where he shot up and we headbutt each other.

"Ite!" We both fell back holding onto our heads.

"Ah nee-chan! I told you stop doing that!" He yelled hands over the spot where his head hit mine.

"But it's you who always knock heads with me!" I rolled "Fine then. Guess I'll leave and not make any breakfast for you."

"No, no! Gomen!" Sasuke shot up grabbing onto my arm and latching himself onto it. I giggled ruffling his hair.

I love teasing them so much!

"I'm kidding. But you do have to hurry and get ready. You have genin exams today! So go get ready and I'll finish up breakfast!" Sasuke nodded and I got up leaving the room.

Since I was here earlier I had started breakfast already and only had to set it up. And as Sasuke had a test today he'd need the energy so I made a nice breakfast for him. I made white rice, grilled fish and tamagoyaki (rolled omelet) for him. I had done the same for Naruto adding in a miso soup for him. Sasuke didn't mind miso but he doesn't eat it as much as Naruto so I wouldn't add that to his breakfast, instead I gave him a fresh salad with lots of tomato.

When Sasuke finally sat to eat I got to work on cleaning the kitchen. I washed all the dishes I had used, swept and cleaned the counters with the help of shadow clones. The benefits of this jutsu is spectacular. By the time I was finished so was Sasuke.

"Want me to pack a bento with the rest for you?"

"No. After the test I'm coming straight home. There'll be no need to." I hummed nodding.

"Want to walk together? I don't think I have any missions as of right now." I looked down at Sasuke until he stood stopping right under my nose.

"Hn." Sasuke nodded. Nodding back I quickly got my shoes on and we left the apartment.

The wind blew feeling cool against the heat of the sun. I smiled relaxing as I enjoyed the breeze. The walk there was quiet and peaceful...if you count us having to take detours every street just to avoid Sasuke being swamped by fangirls until I got irritated and dragged the blunette to the roof.

Once we reached the academy we hopped off the roof and stopped in front of the school.

"Good luck Tiny Sasu."

"I'm not that small anymore." He grumbled

"I know. My ototou is growing up! You're going to be a genin soon! Then we can train together as long as you want, or go on missions together!" I smiled seeing the very well hidden excitement on his face.

"Hn." I chuckled pulling Sasuke in a side hug and quickly kissing his forehead.

"Obaa-san, and oji-san would be proud of you. I know I am." I smiled down at him. He blushed a bit looking away biting his lip to hold onto a smile he wanted to hide. "Now go on! I'll see you after!" Sasuke quickly turned speed walking inside since he was still blushing and trying to get rid of it.

"Nee-chan!" I perked up spinning in time for Naruto to crash into me. "Hi!" He grinned. I laughed back hugging him

"Hi Ruru! Excited huh?" He nodded.

"We practiced all night! I think I'll manage to make at least one!" I chuckled

"Remember to calm down before you start ne? It'll help better focus."

"Hai!!" I nodded kissing his forehead

"We're proud of you Naruto. You've made it far." I smiled gently

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